too much time?

is it possible for two people to spend too much time together? is it healthy to spend every waking moment together? or perhaps the better question should be is it unhealthy to spend every waking moment together?

i think that the answer to this question is really dependent on the couple. some couples love to spend every waking moment with each other, while others like to have some kind of alone time to do their own thing, say with their own friends.

for me, i think that i like to have some personal time alone. it’s not that i would do anything special, but it is something that i like to have from time to time. i know of couples that spend all of their time exlcusively with each other and then when one has to go away the other seems lost because they don’t really know of a life outside of the other person.

different things work for different people. i guess we just have to find what works best for us.

at the doctor’s office

so when i was at the doctor’s office yesterday, it went something like this:

doctor: wow, that looks pretty bad.
me (thinking to self): uh oh.
doctor (examines my ankle some more): well, it’s swelling up nicely. it looks to me like it’s broken, but we’ll have to get an x-ray to be sure.
me (thinking to self): BROKEN?!
doctor: ok, let’s get you an x-ray.

<wait 20 minutes>

radiologist: ok, let’s get you set up here.

<click, move, click, move>

<wait 20 minutes for the x-rays to come out and the doctor to look at it>

doctor: peter (the radiologist) does this look like a fracture to you?
radiologist: hmmm, that does look like quite a big fracture.
me (thinking to myself): NO, SAY IT ISN’T SO!
doctor: but it only shows up on this angle, could it be a scratch on the film? let’s get another look at it just to be sure.


doctor: well, it looks like you’ve got a bad sprain, nothing broken. i’m going to prescribe something for the pain and swelling and you should get an air cast.
me: can i get some crutches?
doctor (frowning): it’s not policy to give crutches to sprained ankles.
me: but i can’t put any weight on it.

me: can i get a handicap placard?
doctor (frowning): it’s not policy to give those for a sprained ankle, either.
me: well, i had to try!


sprained ankle adventures

so last night i decided to venture out there and watch my tuesday night volleyball team play…without me. to occupy some times, i decided to bring my camera along and take pictures of some of the action. i shot exclusively with a borrowed canon 50/1.8 and i’ve decided that i need that kind of speed to shoot anything in low light. so that being said…

i think that i’m going to order myself a copy of this lens. it’s cheap, it’s fast, and i think it’ll complement my collection quite well.

it was quite an ordeal getting around. i guess you never appreciate even the most basic of things until you lose them. this inability to walk freely is really cramping my style.
