back in north carolina

i have no internet access at the hotel, so whatever access to the internet i have is restricted to the office. this is usually not a bad thing, except that i am quite busy here at the office so my time in front of my computer is actually pretty limited. grrr.

it’s not nearly as cold here as i thought that it would be, but it turns out that it may snow on thursday. i hope that this doesn’t mean that my flight will be delayed or cancelled. that would be truly horrendous. oh well.

so far my stay here has been pretty good. north carolina is much like how i remembered it. it feels like a more rural version of home. more trees.

the one thing that kills me about north carolina is the lack of crosswalks. i don’t think that people walk anywhere here. it just doesn’t happen. so there are busy intersections and i can’t cross them in my hobbling state because…you know…NO CROSSWALKS.



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