daylight savings

six months ago i wrote very specific code in one of my applications to account for the daylight savings time shift. but i only wrote it for when time shifts backwards, not forwards. today, i get into work and something’s broken because i forgot that daylight savings happens twice in a year, once moving forward and once moving backwards. oops.

oh well, it was a simple enough fix anyway, but it got my morning off to a quick start.

i thought that i would have a lot more trouble today waking up and getting into work. i actually did have a little bit of trouble waking up today, but i just got ready more quickly and left the apartment about 10 minutes late. traffic was light, but it was still dark when i left the apartment.

it was very weird leaving the apartment and it being all dark. i don’t think that i’ve done that in a long, long time. it actually reminded me of when i would leave that early to go to school. man, that was back in middle school or early high school over ten years ago.

man, leaving home while it’s dark…who would have thought that that would be me?


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