no snack for me

earlier this morning i was tempted to go to the coffee shop to pick up a donut. i thought better of it and decided not to get a donut and instead try and be healthy. after last week’s 7 scoop root beer float (which did give me a stomach ache, but was so worth it anyway) one would think that my root beer float cravings are over with. this is not so. there is still about 2 gallons of ice cream in the freezer at work.

this ice cream cannot be left to waste. its root beer float destiny must be realized! that is what i am here for. and so instead of getting a donut for breakfast, i resolved to have a root beer float after lunch. ahhh, such goody goodness. i am all too excited.

but, after a few hours at work, my energy level started to fade and i thought that i might need a little pick me up. so i went across the street to the coffee shop and it seems that the donut gods were not looking favorably down on me because though there were many donuts available, i didn’t like any of them enough to get them so i left the shop empty-handed.

and so now i have visions of root beer float goodness in my head, but the agony of waiting for it is beginning to become far more torture than i can bear.

perhaps i need to run into chinatown and get a baked custard bun to hold me over. mmmm.

3 thoughts on “no snack for me”

  1. i haven’t tried fenton’s yet, but i’ve heard good things about them. i am waiting to try it out with a friend of mine, though. it’s on our list.

    as for ruby king…it sounds very familiar, but i’m not sure if i’ve gone there or not. i am hungry now, though…perhaps i’ll check them out.

  2. have u checked out Ruby King in Oakland..they have egg custard tarts something like 3 for $1!! Crazy cheap.

    Oh, have u been to Fenton’s in Oakland for ice-cream!! Huge, huge scoop in a waffle cone for $3 if u to-go it.

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