you never are smart…

i was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and she said something to me that i thought was pretty hilarious. we were talking about how when it comes to affairs of the heart logic and reason don’t really seem to have much of a role when we make our decisions.

i know this from experience because i’ve made decisions in the past where i knew that it was a bad idea to be doing something, but i still did it anyway because…well, my heart wouldn’t let me do any other thing.

and so i was lamenting and telling her about how one would think that after going through those experiences that you would learn from your mistakes and that you would not repeat them. if you know that pursuing a relationship with someone is not a good idea, you’d recognize that it wasn’t a good idea and you would not go through with it. one would think… i was telling her about how i’m currently contemplating whether or not to try the whole online dating thing. in some ways i still feel that there’s a bit of a stigma there, but in other ways i sort of feel like i’ve done that before and it didn’t really work out so well so maybe i shouldn’t really think too much about it.

my friend said to me, “you know, you never hear about what a smart decision they made when they were in love. you always hear about how stupid they were and how stupid love makes you.”

and it is true. you never do hear about how smart you are when you are in love because love just isn’t smart. it isn’t dumb, either, rather i think it’s more all-encompassing. it just sucks you up and consumes you. your mind gets filled with thoughts of that other person and no matter how hard you try and not think about them the opposite happens and your thoughts always wander back to them. this is infatuation at its greatest.

and once infatuation sets in…it’s hard to think straight.

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