
i remember a long, long time ago, i was talking to a friend of mine back in high school. we were talking about a friend of ours who he reffered to as “having a golden boot shoved up his ass.” i had never heard this expression before, so i asked my friend to explain it. he told me that basically it means that he’s had everything handed to him on a silver platter and his perfect life was not earned, but rather through just given to him.

i feel that people like this don’t really understand the world. they have these false expectations that things should just happen and they feel that if something doesn’t happen their way, then something is very wrong. if you’ve lived a charmed life like that, your expectations are just insanely unrealistic.

i think one of the frustrating things that i see is that i put a lot of work and energy in the things i do to get to where i am…and so when i see other people just handed certain things in their life, i feel like it’s wildly unfair. surely there must be justice in the world, right?

3 thoughts on “irritated”

  1. i think from time to time i hear about something and it sets me off. it isn’t always the same person, really, but there are some things that some people say that just really surprises me.

  2. you have talked about this “golden boot” a lot… so you either know a lot of people forced to walk around awkwardly or it’s the same person that never seems to learn their lesson. hhmm….

  3. justice? fair? the world is not “fair”. what about people born really underprivileged? too poor to go to school…too poor to even eat three meals a day. people who are like that can’t even get out of their situations by working hard…not like they have the luxury to go to school and change their lives.

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