is it fate?

as i was going home today, i started taking detours because traffic was pretty heavy. i was pretty low on gas and i had to make a bit of an emergency stop at this random gas station. as i was filling up, i was getting pretty hungry and i spied this mexican restaurant and i decided to check it out.

as i pulled into the parking lot i saw something that surprised me. a q-cup! it had just opened up and it is only a mile and a half from my home!

i think it was fated for me to find it today.

speaking of fate, i was just thinking that i needed to get some blank DVDs and i came across this deal at compusa for a spool of 100 blank DVDs for $20. i bought two spindles and just tested them out and it burned fine.

just when i had started to give up on fate, just when i thought that there really wasn’t any kind of sense of order or anything, something like this happens to remind me that maybe, just maybe, all is not lost.

or maybe i’m just reading too much into things.

either way, i got my pearl tea fix for today.

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