lensbaby 2.0, baby!


my lensbaby came in the mail today. awesome! of course this is the only day that i don’t bring my camera with me, so i won’t be able to play with my lensbaby until later this evening, but i’m very excited.

from what i understand, you either love it or hate it, so we’ll have to see which one it ends up being for me.

3 thoughts on “lensbaby 2.0, baby!”

  1. a lensbaby is a special kind of lens that is picture above. it basically is this flexible lens that has a really small spot where the image is focused and then everything else is blurred. i’ll take some pictures after i get home and post them to show some examples.

    the unique thing about this lens is that you can flex the lens to point in different directions to move around the focused spot of the image.

    it’s a very specialized lens and few people have really heard of it. i’m not even sure where i heard it from, but i’ve always been curious about it.

    it’s really cute!

    my camera is definitely a girl. she loves accessories.

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