big beach bbq bonfire bonanza

on july 4th a bunch of us went to the beach in santa cruz to have a big bbq. i would guess about 30 or so came in all and a good time was had by all.

paul, greg, cheryl, leeya, john, and mike all went to the beach at 6:30AM to stake out a campground. i arrived at around 7:15AM with jen and we set up the volleyball nets and a tent and went back to sleep for a few hours.

people started to trickle in and we started to make food and just enjoy the beach. i was a little nervous about mixing groups as usual, but i think that it turned out alright.

in the evening we started up the bonfire and john had made a great call by suggesting the use of the match light charcoal to start the bonfire. we had a roaring fire and it was pretty good. it lasted a good two hours. with the bonfire roaring, we also got to watch the most amazing display of fireworks, ever!

people brought in all sorts of fireworks and i have never been so close to so much action. it was simply amazing. i wish i had brought my tripod, it would have been amazing to take pictures of that night.

all in all, i think everyone had a blast. it took two hours to fight through traffic to get home and i nearly fell asleep on the drive, but it was worth it. i had a blast.

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