lunch loser

it’s lunch time again and as lunch rolls around a familiar feeling comes over me.  i’m torn between going out and getting some real food or dashing out and picking up some fast food.  you see, lunch has become quite a different experience for me recently.

it used to be that i had a lunch buddy and this lunch buddy of mine would go out and eat lunch with me.  seems like a pretty simple concept, no?  even though we didn’t go eat lunch every day, i’d still at least have the option of turning her down and sitting in my cube working away.

now all i have left is sitting in my little cube with no one to turn down.  it’s a bummer.

i’m beginning to tire of fast food, though, so i think that i may end up eating some real food alone.  i wish that i had at least brought a book with me or something.  i always see people eating lunch by themselves reading a book or the newspaper or something and they look so content.

3 thoughts on “lunch loser”

  1. hehe. but yeah. eating alone is sad. when i would switch companies, it would take a while to make friends and establish eating buddies. those times were depressing, i.e. going to a fast food place and eating it all by yourself in your cube. *sobs*

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