health department

should i be concerned that the local l&l hawaiian bbq cooks don’t wear hairnets, hats, or some other device to prevent hair from slipping into my food?

i never really noticed before but i signed up to volunteer at this year’s nikkei matsuri festival and one of the requirements for a volunteer who handles food is to wear a hat. i don’t know why that reminded me that i’ve never seen any l&l employee wear a hat before, but it did. and now i’m starting to wonder if i should be concerned…

6 thoughts on “health department”

  1. and don’t forget Taco Bell. you just can’t help but admire the way they massage their hands through the lettuce, tomatoes, and tortilla chips before serving it to you.

  2. Bah, people used to eat off rocks and dirt and stuff before they invented plates. I think people are way over-concerned about a hair getting in their food. Yeah, its a little gross, but probably not nearly as gross as the canned soup factory (just for example). At my restaurant everyone must always wear a hat or hairnet, and we still occasionally have hairs in the food *shrug*.

  3. I am not a taco bell hater. I eat there myself. just pointing out that many places prepare food without gloves and hairnets/hats.

    anyways, when I go to taco bell now, I just try not to look at them preparing my food or hope they just didn’t come back from the bathroom.

  4. izzy, people also used to only have a lifespam of 40 years. with regards to canned soup factories or most processing plants, i’m sure that there’s a ton of stuff going on that i don’t want to know about, but that’s something that i don’t see happening right in front of me. ignorance, though completely useless against all of the stuff that goes on, keeps up the illusion that everything is healthy and well.

    at least wearing hats or hairnets minimizes the food in the hair. it can’t be completely eliminated, but still, you have to at least make an effort in trying to reduce it as much as possible.

  5. There’s a recent health study that came out where a random sample of something like 200 restaurants were tested by examining the lemon wedges placed in glasses of water. 85% (or some such high #) of the lemon slices tested positive for e.coli contamination. The theory is that the wait staff don’t wash their hands when they come out of the bathroom, so when they pick up your lemon wedge, they leave a little sumthin’ sumthin’.

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