the dog and my back

(i know…we suck, but it was halloween)

so koda has been getting pretty big. i don’t think that he is gaining weight as quickly as he was earlier so i’m hoping that his growth spurt has ended. he is already too big to be a lap dog, but he thinks that he still is and tries to sit himself in my lap…and doesn’t fit. this doesn’t appear to bother him as much as it bothers me.

christi and i took koda out on his first walk over the weekend. it started to rain which made me unhappy because i had not brought an umbrella with me. we toughed it out, though, and koda seemed to enjoy the walk. he did alright walking on a leash, we still have a ways to teach him how to properly walk on the leash, though.

i feel like i am an old man now. my back has been hurting for a week, but i finally decided that i could make volleyball. volleyball was a lot of fun, i played much better than i expected considering the back pain. the back actually loosened up soon.

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