
because of the twitpocalypse, my favorite twitter client for the iphone is broken. this pisses me off to no end because i feel that twitterific is really the only usable free twitter client i’ve used. and now that i can’t be kept up to date with my tweets, i have been pretty disconnected.

so i spent the last few hours writing a web page that emulates the look and feel of twitterific so that i can at least have a view into twitter. man, let me tell you, the twitter wap pages are just ridiculously awful. they are so ugly, it is unusable.

what’s cool is that i got a lot of help with some libraries already written for the twitter API, so the low level work of dealing with their web services didn’t need to be done. makes my life pretty easy. i have to say that i’m pretty happy with the results. i even went as far as converting the #tags and the @user links so that they go to the correct places. there was a little smarty plugin magic. i never thought that i would be writing my own smarty plugins, but i ended up writing two: one to “twitterize” tweets (hyperlink URLs, link tags, and link users), and one to tell you how much time has passed since a time ( x seconds, minutes, hours, or days).

it was kind of fun, but i want my twitterific back! apple app store, hurry up and approve the upgrade! i can read my tweets, but i haven’t bothered to write the code to make tweets!

great american food and music fest

i went to the great american food and music fest in mountain view today. it was the first ever and there were many food network starts present at the festival. on our way in, people were grumbling and complaining about how long of a wait the lines were. they were not kidding, we heard stories of people waiting in line for two to three hours!

apparently the preparation of food took so long that people just couldn’t deal with it and decided to leave without their included first plate of food. on our way in, some people who were so frustrated with the event were leaving and gave me their free meal tickets. we ended up getting three free plates which we were able to use.

the lines were long. we waited for over an hour for what i thought was way-overrated cheesesteaks. in my opinion, jersey joe’s in san carlos still reigns king.

we bumped into a lot of familiar faces while we were there, so that was pretty cool. overall, i would say that the festival for food was an epic fail. the side events, however, appeared to run smoothly. the book signings yielded long lines, but the demonstrations and music went by just fine.

we got to watch the sf weekly best burger contest. bobby flay was one of the judges in the event. it was pretty cool to see him.

all in all, my favorite food of the day were the buffalo wings. mmmm.