terk hdtva antenna

my old indoor antenna broke and it was time to replace it. i decided to try out the terk hdtva indoor antenna. i bought one on ebay for just under $30 and i am happy to report that i am able to watch HDTV OTA just fine.

this weekend i’ve been watching football in HD and it has been great. this antenna is less susceptible to interference and it appears to pick up the signal better than my previous antenna.

i live about 40 miles from the broadcasting antennas, so picking up the signals can be difficult, but so far, so good.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-05

  • Smells really bad of rotten eggs outside the office. What is going in here? #
  • Met christi and koda at the dog park in Sunnyvale. It is cold! #
  • Koda and I are at sports basement. http://twitpic.com/joe9d #
  • Do not try to be cute by color coding your iPhone apps. It looks cool but it is really hard to find your apps! #
  • Christi started having contractions. Still pretty far apart, but was not expecting them just yet. Baby coming sooner than expected? #
  • Christi is willing the baby to stay inside her. She still hasn't packed her bag. #
  • hello, contraction. didn't we just see you 5 minutes ago? #
  • Admitted in hospital. Christi has an epidural and I'm sleeping on a fold out chair. Any hour now! #
  • Water just broke. Still no baby. #
  • 7lbs 8oz and 21" long. The baby boy has arrived with 10 fingers and toes this morning. http://twitpic.com/juyms #
  • changed baby's first diaper. was later told that nurses would have changed his diaper if we asked them to. need to milk that service. #
  • http://twitpic.com/jzb66 – getting discharged today and we've just picked the name. we need to go find the birth certificate lady to ma … #
  • Circumcision, hep b, hearing teat, and heel prick: check. Finally left hospital and got home at around 4:30pm yesterday. #
  • Exhaustion has started to set in after the first night of feeding. Supplementing breast milk with just a little bit of formula. #