- Visited Warren, Viki, and Isaac over the weekend. http://yfrog.com/au7fwkj #
- I swear I don't hear him when he cries at night. But he always looks so sweet in the morning.
http://twitpic.com/xpeke #
- The Baker's Edge guarantees at least two edges per piece. It is a fantastic brownie pan. http://twitpic.com/xqg1v #
- Miso cute? What will they think of next? http://twitpic.com/xxw9x #
- This light has been red for a long time and I'm starting to run out of ways to amuse myself. http://twitpic.com/y4792 #
- ugh, everydns is down. this takes out all of my sites. maybe it's time to look for alternatives. #
- tim hightower, you stud. 1st play of the game and ARI scores a touchdown on a running play. #NFL #
- just migrated to my registrar's (godaddy) free dns hosting service, due to the prolonged #everydns outage. #
- i have to say @cvonwallenstein's (from @DynInc) one man effort to help out those affected by #everydns outage is impressive, though. #
- How Dyn Inc. impressed me with how they handled everydns's outage due to DDoS. http://blog.ocliw.com/2010/01/16/how-dyn-com-impressed-me/ #
- brett favre, you stud. man, minnesota is just killing dallas today. #