Category Archives: general ramblings

speaking of daylight savings…

is it too much to ask that my camera that retails for $1500 to know to adjust the time for daylight savings? i know, i know, it isn’t a computer, so i guess i shouldn’t whine so much, but i just found out that my timestamps have been all wrong since the weekend.

that isn’t that big of a deal, except that i’ve decided that i’m going to make today the day that i do “the hourly project.” this project will basically be a project where i take a picture once an hour throughout the day to document what an average day is like. now that i realized that the time on my camera is wrong, i changed the time, but now i’m positive when i look at the pictures i’m going to get all confused as to how i missed an hour.


i’ve been toying with various panoramic shots and i think that i’ve been obsessed with getting it perfect. you know, seamless, photos stiched together to make what appears like a huge photo. but lately, i’ve been charmed by some of jimmy’s panos. i don’t know, there’s something very stylistic that i see in that kind of pano. it makes me want to experiment a little and see what i can do that way too.

dull headache

i’ve got a dull pain running around in my head. i’m not sure what it causing it, but it has been present since earlier this evening. i have an idea about what it could be, but lately it seems like i’ve been really moody. one second i could be just fine and the next i seem to be really not.

these days the emotional rollercoaster seems to be going to extremes. i feel like one moment i’m riding high and i’m happy as can be with not a care in the world. the next moment i’m irate at some comment someone made or something just as silly.

i’ve thought that i’ve generally had a pretty easy-going temperament, so it surprises me if something sets me off and that something isn’t a big deal. why do such things happen?

i think my tolerance for things has grown short, for no apparent reason. i try not to act on these irrational impulses i have, yet it’s hard to restrain myself.

i’ve been irritated for the last couple of days, though. i think it’s time to let it all go and just chill a little. maybe it’s my old age that is making me crusty. =P

sunday volleyball

i really think my sunday night team is starting to come together and gel really well. it’s too bad that there are only a few weeks left in the season. but i’m having a ton of fun with this bunch, maybe the most fun i’ve had in JACL so far.

our team did reasonably well going 3-1. there are only a few games left so we have to make the best of the season while we can.

i was asked yesterday to help organize the outdoor volleyball tournament for JACL. i think it’ll be a lot of fun and i’m hoping to get together a team. i’m not sure who i will get, but i’ve got some people in mind.

mountain biking

“hey anyone interested in mtn biking Almaden Quicksilver this
weekend. Start off easy, since everyybody probably still has their
bikes in storage.”

i liken almaden quicksilver to hell on earth. i think i may have to find alternative biking this weekend because i’m such a pansy.

jenny said that most people think that i’m a pansy when they meet me and only people who really get to know me might think that i’m a sweetheart instead of a pansy.




i have one friend who is trying to kill me, and another who thinks i’m a pansy. ain’t life grand?

trader joe’s

sometimes i think that i take for granted what it means to live in the bay area. sure, you get great weather, great diversity in food, and an interesting night life, but the thing that i always forget about is how amazing trader joe’s really is.

i walked into trader joe’s hoping to find some goodies for the big fondue dinner (BFD) this weekend. depending on the success of the BFD, i may hold these more regularly.

one of the things i love about fondue is that it is more than just eating. i think that it is much more of an immersive experience. you can’t help but lounge about and leisurely enjoy some good fondue. the key here is that you need to make sure that you gather together people who are capable of such delightfully interesting dinner conversation. it just makes the evening much more engaging and intimate. the problem is that to pull this off, you really do need a rather small gathering of people.

anyhow, i’ve got some more shopping to do, but i do love trader joe’s. where else can you buy two buck chuck?

thursday night ramblings

i really ought to be sleeping right now. instead, i find myself wide awake sitting on my bed waiting to get sleepy. that’s what it’s been like lately. i’ve been waiting to get sleepy. the clock slowly ticks its course and before i know it, it’s past 2AM again. it’s usually around 2:30 that i panic and i force myself to close my eyes and think sleepy thoughts.

usually i fall quickly asleep after i make the effort to go to sleep, but somehow that doesn’t seem quite right to me. i remember a time when i would go to sleep because i was sleepy and i couldn’t take it anymore.

this may be a sign that i need new reading material at night. i cannot read more than 10 minutes into any book before i promptly fall asleep. i wonder why that is. i wonder if i have some kind of reading disability. i usually tend to lose interest in whatever i’m reading pretty quickly. or maybe i’ m just lazy. that is completely possible.

i had dinner with jimmy tonight and watched him play a little bit before the urge to play myself overcame me. i really wasn’t planning to play tonight and i played awful, but still, there is some satisfaction of going out and doing something instead of sitting at home waiting for life to happen. i am still trying to figure out what my thursday night activity should be, though. with poker nights gone, the week seems so empty.

quickly pearl tea in fremont

i’m checking out quickly in fremont while waiting to have dinner with jimmy tonight. it turns out that they do have free internet access, but you have to ask them for the password. sort of annoying that they do that, but i’m browsing the web, so i can’t complain. i don’t think that i really enjoy the pearl tea here, though.

i think that i’m going to make snickerdoodles tonight. i had forgotten that a co-worker of mine is going to be leaving after tomorrow so i think that i’ll make some cookies to send her off. that means that tonight’s plans will RADICALLY change. i’ll have to make a stop at safeway to grab some key ingredients.

i woke up pretty early this morning and got into work around 7. i’ve been getting into work later and later lately so coming in early again felt good. i got a good chunk of work done because there were fewer distractions. i think that i may have to go back to that schedule full time.

i’m trying to figure out which cookies i should make next. i keep wanting to make a different kind of cookie, but i always end up making snickerdoodles because they are so tasty.

i really ought to make some kind of effort to expand my cookie horizons, though. this weekend is going to be an experiment in fondue and i need to get more variety.

speaking of fondue, if anyone knows any good oil broths for fondue, please send them my way.

jack johnson

jack johnson - in between dreams

i don’t usually swoon over men, but i make exception with jack johnson and his latest album in between dreams.

there is no combination of words
that i could put on the back of a postcard
no song that i could sing
but i could try for your heart

our dreams and they are made out of real things
like a shoe box of photographs
and sepia tone loving

love is the answer
at least for most of the questions in my heart
like “why are we here?”
and “where do we go?”
and “how come its so hard?”

its not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving
i’ll tell you one thing it’s always better when we’re together

swoon me, jack.
mean it.