Category Archives: general ramblings

why i read clara’s blog

i love the fact that [url=]she says things[/url] like:

We also had fun enjoying pho food coma afterwards at Kat’s Bubble Tea House near Victoria and 49th St.

[Bubble Tea is a REQUIRED ACTIVITY after any and all pho eating activities! Well, at least it is in my book. =)]

seriously, that’s as good as the latest episode of committed where nate brings marni the special tea she likes…the one with the little balls!


i’ve been on a big freeware kick lately and though i still believe that acdsee is the fastest and best image viewer for windows, i think that i’m going to switch to [url=]xnview[/url] since it is an adequate free version of an image viewer.

now, if only i can find something that is as good as photoshop…the gimp just doesn’t do it for me.


deep fryer

thanh and i met up for dinner at [url=]zachary’s pizza[/url] in berkeley on friday. it was the first time that we were able to meet up for a long while and we had gifts to exchange. i gave thanh her belated birthday and xmas gifts and she gave me a belated xmas gift. and though i’ve been trying to evade the call of the deep fryer for a long time now, she got me one.

so now i’m armed with a deep fryer and i don’t know what i’m going to do with it…besides, you know, deep frying stuff. i haven’t quite decided what i should fry first with it, but there are so many choices that it’s hard to just choose one thing to fry.

but funnel cakes do sound like a really good idea. i think that i’m going to have to get a funnel for this though. i have always wondered why they called it a funnel cake…heh, i should have figured as much!

warriors vs heat

i’m going to go watch the warriors game tonight. my brother got me tickets to the game and i met up with him earlier this morning at starbucks, the place of his employment, to get the tickets from him. i also happened to pick up a white mocha while i was there.

this’ll be my first warriors game of the season and though i haven’t been really following them this year, i have a feeling that they are going to beat the heat. some may laugh at me for thinking that it is not just a mere formality that the heat will destroy the warriors, but i do believe it was last year when i went to the warriors vs laker game that my faithful warriors beat out the lakers to send them home crying…in shame.

so we’ll see what happens!


laptop fall

as i was taking my laptop out of the car, i slung the laptop case strap over my shoulder and headed out of the parking lot. as i lifted the strap over my shoulder, the bag felt like it was getting lighter. i looked down at my bag and time seemed to freeze as i saw what was happening.

i forgot to zip up the case of the laptop bag and my laptop was falling out of the bag and plummeting towards the hard, wet, parking lot ground. my heart sank. though it probably only had about a foot or so to fall, the impact could have been enough to break the LCD lamp. all of these thoughts were racing through my head as i saw it slipping out of the bag.

i stuck my foot out under the laptop in a vain effort to save it from hitting the ground, but instead, it bounced off my foot and onto the ground.


but the laptop was ok, except for some bad scratching on the case corner. at least the case didn’t crack. at least the laptop didn’t break.

but that was not the start of the day that i was looking for yesterday.

but all in all, everything was ok so i won’t complain. i couldn’t relive that scary moment again yesterday by blogging about it, but i think i’m ok now. =P



the snickerdoodles i made yesterday are rapidly being eaten up by all the folks at the office. our admins seem to particularly enjoy them as they’ve had several helpings. i think it’s pretty funny that the cookies are going by so quickly. i guess i ought to make another batch of cookies because it doesn’t look like i will be having enough to last me to tomorrow. hmmm, maybe i’ll make some cookies tomorrow night.

i did learn that baking soda is a key ingredient for keeping cookies soft. i imagine that the baking soda and cream of tartar were two ingredients that were vital for that purpose. i’m not a fan of soft cookies, generally speaking, but with snickerdoodles, soft cookies are much better, i think.

tea era

this weekend was a tea era-filled weekend of sorts. i went to the pearl tea shop in mountain view twice this weekend. it’s pretty unusual for me to go as far as mountain view these days to get pearl tea, but to do it twice this weekend is more than just a little unusual.

the first time i went there was because i had been craving their barley milk tea with pearls. it is my favorite drink there and whenever i get it, i’m quite the happy camper. even though it is a little pricey at $3.25, but i think it is well worth it.

the second time i went was with [url=]dardy[/url] on sunday afternoon to hang out and catch up a little bit. it was good to hang out with him as i haven’t really seen him in some time. i still think it’s funny that he refers to us as the bowling gang even though we haven’t gone bowling now for a long, long time.

i wonder if it is about time to start up bowling again. i do wonder, indeed.

new vball team

today was the first of my sunday night volleyball league. i had a lot of fun with the team, though i think that i need to be a little bit more organized next week. it was good fun to play and i think that i’ll have a lot of fun this season.

there are several people who can set, but no one has any super strong convictions to play a certain way so i really enjoy the easy going team. i even got my team to cheer “hit me baby one more time!” it’s just great!


happy days

i came home yesterday to find the site of pure happiness. after what seemed like an eternity, the DSL at the apartment had FINALLY been fixed. i called up tech support and after about an hour or so of painful walking through of how to reset my password, i was back up and running.

it’s strange how much you miss something, but after you have it, you don’t really do much with it. i mean, i know that i agonized over not having broadband, but once i got it and i tested it by browsing the web, i did not plant myself in front of the computer and spend the day browsing the web. no, instead, i went out and ran some errands. sort of makes me wonder why i was squirming in pain so much.

but the DSL is back up and i’m happy as a clam. i’ve started to put it to good use and we’ll see how long i can keep the line busy. i’m about to start making cookies now. lots and lots of cookies for the volleyball team later tonight. i’m hoping to make a batch or two before going out to hang out with [url=]dardy[/url] today. i figure he’s probably still sleeping, even though it’s noon, so i’ve got some time.
