Category Archives: general ramblings

forbes mill

i went to forbes mill restaurant in los gatos over the weekend.  i had the prime rib (DDG cut) there.  what is the DDG cut, one might wonder?  well, it is the initials of the owners of the restaurant.  their monstrous cut of prime rib weighs out at 24 ounces.

and yes, i ate the entire cut of beef.  and yes, i had dessert afterwards.  man, 24 ounces of beef just ain’t what it used to be…

overturned trees

with the ringing of a new year came a huge storm with winds wailing.  the winds were stronger than i had seen in a long, long time.  trees were uprooted, branches were torn off trunks, and the roads were littered with debris.

there is still some debris out there on the road.  i keep forgetting to bring my camera into work, but there is a tree outside work that looks like someone has pulled it out of the ground.  it is lying on the side of the lawn, roots exposed.

it hasn’t rained very hard since, but i’m glad that i didn’t have to be out on the roads during those conditions.

sharks vs. ducks

i went to the san jose sharks game last night. they played the anaheim mighty ducks. this also happened to be my first hockey game. i’m told that i’ve been spoiled watching this as my first hockey game because so many things happened during this game that most other games will seem boring in comparison.

i’ve never watched a hockey game in its entirety on tv before, mostly because i thought it was really boring, but watching it live was pretty cool. i didn’t understand all of the rules, but still, it was rather exciting. watching the game live gives you a much better appreciation for turnovers, defensive plays, and well-executed plays.

it was a high scoring game (4-1), there was a hat trick (one player scored 3 goals in one game), and a fight! how much more excitement can you ask for in a game?

surfacing for a moment

i’m currently outside the pizza joint that i’m supposed to meet up with other people to pick teams for volleyball the next season. i am STILL in jury duty and we got out a little early today so i hopped over to work to tie a few loose ends and then i did some last minute christmas shopping. after the team selection is done, i plan to go back and do some more christmas shopping. i can’t believe that it is coming up so quickly and i have virtually none of my xmas shopping done yet.


oh yeah, and to top it all off, my server died…again.

so i’ve been busy trying to restore my web space (i don’t have ANY of my pictures up yet), but i’ve got the blog up and i’ve also got a few of the other blogs up and running. every day that i come home, i’m exhausted, but i try and whittle away at the restoring the server and getting some real work done. i haven’t spend more than 8 hours in the office in the last week and a half. ugh.

anyway, sorry for the lack of posts, as soon as this trial is over and i get some inet access during the day, i’ve got lots of stories to tell.

onto other unrelated tasks…

cindy has “tagged” me to share 5 little known truths about me. this, surely, won’t be easy.

1) i actually enjoy eating healthy. that is, if eating healthy doesn’t mean that i don’t have to eat anything that doesn’t taste good. in the spirit of eating healthier, i have been drinking diet coke instead of normal soda to cut down on empty calories. i also can’t remember the last time i ate donuts besides over this weekend where i polished off half a box of powdered donuts. but i mean, come on! it’s powdered donuts that we’re talking about, yo!

2) as much as i adore ice cream (i routinely have at least 5 cartons of ice cream in my freezer), i am lactose intolerant.

3) i am probably one of the most productive workers, ever. i just don’t like working, so if i have to work, i try and get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible. do not go shopping with me if you like to browse at everything, i probably will be done with all of my shopping by the time you are done with one store.

4) the last time i took a picture was almost two weeks ago. it used to be that i couldn’t go a day without taking a picture.

5) i have a new domain name. no one knows it yet, nothing is there but a placeholder, but i’m seriously considering switching to something that it more pronounceable.

ok, there you go, cindy. i’ve blogged. merry christmas.

server woes

looks like the server took a big dump for a whlie. hopefully it’ll be better now. there’s still a lot of data to restore, but for now, it looks like this’ll have to do. i haven’t restored all of my blog users just yet, but it’s slowly coming along.

on jury duty

i’m doing my civic duty and serving on jury duty all of this week and probably most of next week. it’s kind of exciting because this is my first time serving as a juror, but i am definitely dreading how much work will be piled up on me in the next two weeks.


i went to starbucks today and left my usual fake name, “josiah” with my drink order. they asked me to spell it out and so i did.

when my drink was made, they kept calling for “jason”. i didn’t think anything of it, but then i realized it was my drink order and i looked at the name on the cup and sure enough it was spelled right. i guess you can never get it right.

fantasy NBA update

i know, i know. you are just dying to know how i’m doing in my fantasy leagues.

in my head-to-head league, i’ve advanced up to be #1 in the league right now. it’s pretty exciting and pretty close, so we’ll see how the rest of the week goes. it looks like this might be a weak week for me, but we’ll see if my team pulls through. i have a tough match up.

in my rotissere league, i’m ranked in 3rd place and i’m not sure if i’ll be able to get out of this rut. i may have to make some pretty big roster changes, but i’m afraid it’ll weaken me up too much. i guess i’ll decide on that later.

these leagues are kind of fun. they used to take up a lot of time, but my rosters are pretty much set now and i’m pretty comfortable with how my team is set up. i guess it’s just making sure that the right players play on the right days now.


the office is FREEZING right now. i’m told that the heater broke, but what i really think it is is that the company is punishing me for breaking the dress code and coming in with jeans and t-shirts. i do have a jacket, but i feel weird wearing a thick jacket around in the office.

i had to interview someone today in this freezing conference room and he had joked about whether or not these were interrogation tactics used to perform the interview. =P