all that stress

it seems like it’s been more stress than fun lately. i need to bring the fun back into my life. yes, i do. fun fun fun now that daddy took the t-bird away…

man, i have been watching way too much grease you’re the one that i want! that show is great though. i’ve been struggling lately with tv. i think that i’m all caught up, which seems ridiculous with the amount of tv that i watch. it’s almost physically impossible for me to ever catch up. i don’t get it.

i’ve decided to leave my monday night team. i think that i’m going to make mondays more of an activity day for me. maybe it’ll be the return of the bowling night. i think that i’m going to start hiking again, too. i’ll see if i can start a few hikes after work. with daylight savings upon us, i should be able to get out with enough light for a hike. i remember when i used to love hiking. i don’t know what happened to those days. i think i just got lazy.

next week i will be in ORLANDO. i will be staying at a hotel in the disneyworld complex, i believe. it should be interesting. i’m trying to get myself into some VIP parties while i am there, but trying to qualify as a VIP is much harder than one would think. you’d think that at tradeshows, being a VIP just means that you need to be breathing, but apparently that’s not the case. i’m going to be bringing my camera with me. i struggle bringing the behemoth of a camera because it’s such a pain to carry around, but i think i’m gonna do it. it’ll be worth it. i haven’t taken a picture in MONTHS.

there has been SO MUCH WORK lately in preparation for this show. we are doing really cool stuff, though, so i think that makes it worthwhile.

i had dinner with dardy the other day at the new mexican place on castro street. the burrito i had was DELICIOUS. delicious if you are into SUPER GREASY burritos. man…all that grease…is the word…

i don’t think that i can have a burrito like that again…i’ve been trying to eat more healthy lately. i’m not sure how that’s really going yet, but we’ll see.

oh man…i still have pictures from the cayman islands i need to post.

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