one thing leads to another

it always starts like this:
1) buy a camcorder.
2) make videos.

and i thought i would be done there. but once i started to make videos, i realized a few things:
problem: audio quality with the built-in mic is awful.
solution: buy an external mic.

problem: camcorder’s hot shoe mount is not standard.
solution: buy a mini shoe=> standard shoe adapter.

problem: video quality is great, but is really shaky and dizzy to look at.
solution: buy some kind of steadying device. buy a manfrotto modosteady.

so what started off as an already largish $600 camcorder purchase became a $600 camcorder + $100 external mic + $30 hot shoe adapter + $100 modosteady purchase.

man, it is never easy, is it? these home videos better look awesome!

fantasy football league

every year i ask if anyone wants to play in a just-for-fun fantasy football league on this blog and so far i don’t think anyone has ever expressed an interest. it almost seems like it is fruitless at this point to ask again, but here i am writing this entry asking because…well, rejection for me seems to have become tradition.

if you are interested in playing in a fantasy football league, email me at wilco AT and if we have enough people, i’ll set up the league.

since no one has ever expressed an interest, this signals to me that either:
1) all of my readers are not big football fans
2) all of my readers are not interested in fantasy football (you should, it’s fun and though a little overwhelming at first, not all that bad)
3) i have no readers.

i have long since passed the days where i would check on my site’s stats so i actually have no idea how many people read the blog anymore. i guess it’s just not that important to me anymore to know if two, twenty, or two hundred people are reading up on me.