mac os x and windows 7

is windows 7 really the name that microsoft is going with? and can anyone else remember what all the versions were? does anyone remember windows 1.0-3.0? i don’t think i ever used it. i do remember using a windows run-time and i think then windows 3.1. anyway, i wonder how the windows 7 name came about…

i decided to give windows 7 a whirl. i am using my windows partition primarily as a gaming partition, but there could be a few programs that i might need to run while on the mac side. that being said, i wanted to make sure that if i did set up a boot camp partition for windows that i would be able to boot it as a VM.

there were a couple of hiccups trying to get the VM to work, but it turns out that vmware doesn’t play nice when you try to reinstall windows on your boot camp partition. clear out all of the previously installed stuff and it worked great.