- Just bumped into brad at pearl tea. He recognized me by my car. Didn't think an accord was that unique. #
- Punctuate this: that that is is that that is not is not #
- listening to green day's _know your enemy_ album. heard 21 guns & loved it. thought it might be GD, but thought it was too mellow 4 them. #
- err listening to green day's latest album _21st century breakdown_ #
- giving plain white t's _big bad world_ a listen. so far so good. i never listened to their first album, maybe i should. #
- I  specialty's cookies http://twitpic.com/eduyx #
- specialty's beef & blue sandwich. 580 calories. i still cannot believe that cheesecake factory slice is over 1500. #
- I really need a haircut. http://twitpic.com/em8j1 #
- I think it has been almost three months since my last haircut. Tried to go thru the whole summer w/o a haircut. http://twitpic.com/emslw #
- Koda and i are breaking for lunch at dos coyotes. New sac location. http://twitpic.com/er0bp #
- Dude that is a lot of salsa at the salsa bar at dos coyotes. http://twitpic.com/er40a #
- Oh crap it's starting to rain and it's 6am and we are camping. #