fantasy football league

every year i ask if anyone wants to play in a just-for-fun fantasy football league on this blog and so far i don’t think anyone has ever expressed an interest. it almost seems like it is fruitless at this point to ask again, but here i am writing this entry asking because…well, rejection for me seems to have become tradition.

if you are interested in playing in a fantasy football league, email me at wilco AT and if we have enough people, i’ll set up the league.

since no one has ever expressed an interest, this signals to me that either:
1) all of my readers are not big football fans
2) all of my readers are not interested in fantasy football (you should, it’s fun and though a little overwhelming at first, not all that bad)
3) i have no readers.

i have long since passed the days where i would check on my site’s stats so i actually have no idea how many people read the blog anymore. i guess it’s just not that important to me anymore to know if two, twenty, or two hundred people are reading up on me.

how to delete all the files in a directory, but not the directory

sometimes i come across something so stupidly simple that i need to do, but i don’t know how to do it. today’s task was to delete everything in a directory recursively, but not the directory. i have never done that before and it didn’t seem like it would be that hard to do, but it took me a minute to figure it out.

it’s a little embarrassing, really, but:

delete everything in a directory, including the directory:
rm -rf directory/

delete everything in a directory, excluding the directory:
rm -rf directory/*

simple enough task, but it made me have to think and i don’t like thinking…it hurts my brain.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-10

  • Just finished playoffs tonight. That's two rounds of vball today-once in the morning and once in the evening! Sooooo tired. #
  • read that a pregnant woman is supposed to drink half their pre-pregnancy body weight in ounces of water a day. i'm going to try that today. #
  • Express prepaid line at costco is longer than normal line #
  • Line getting out of costco is crazy too. I'm never getting out of here! #
  • I uploaded a YouTube video — koda at the ponds #
  • Fire alarm went off at the office. Fire fighters are here now. #
  • All the nurses in our building were giggling like schoolgirls while posing with the fire fighters. #
  • Mint chip mocha ice blended coffee from it's a grind is FABULOUS! #
  • Ugh. Tweaked my ankle this morning while taking the garbage out. #

first drink ever from it’s a grind

i’m having my first drink ever from it’s a grind and while deciding what to get, i see on their menu, “Famous Mint Chip Mocha” under the Iced, Blended Coffees. just how good could it be if i have never heard of it, i ask myself.

let me tell you something, from the first sip, i was taken aback. it is AMAZINGLY good. i am beside myself at just how good it is. i still can’t believe it.

if you have never been to an “it’s a grind” go check it out and go get this drink. it will not disappoint, i promise!

make it or break it

to fully realize my teeny bopper self, i’ve started watching this new show called make it or break it. it is fantastic. all the teen drama wrapped inside a gymnastics gym. it’s almost like bring it on, except instead of cheerleaders there are olympic gymnast hopefuls.

christi rolls her eyes whenever the show comes on the tube, but really, give it a try, it’s way, way better than you think.

so tired…

after waking up at 8 to go play volleyball, i am totally exhausted. koda and i went to play sand vball and while we were there koda started to dig a hole in the sand.

i would go over and fill the hole that he dug and i think that just made him even more determined to dig that hole. this went on all morning. i guess it kept him entertained.

but i’m so tired now i think that i need a nap for the rest of the day…