- It's a daily struggle with Kyden and today I lost. He launched an early attack that I just never recovered from. #
- OMG. http://www.fixedsysexcelsior.com/ FixedSys for Mac? LOVE IT! #
- spent too much time trying to figure out how to send Ctrl-Alt-Del to a windows synergy client from a mac server. #
- Itbx #
- A day without Koda throwing up is like a day without Kyden crying at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately today is not that day. #
- wow…jenny mccarthy is so bad. #
- Grandma thought Kyden was cold and put one of his aunt's shirts on him http://twitpic.com/3m5o7w #@facebook #@twitter #
- Oh my gosh. They make Kyden-sized Specialized bicycles. http://twitpic.com/3m5qap #
- need a new harmony remote. debating between going cheap w/ the harmony 300 is replacing the one i have with the harmony one… #
So this is what passes for blogging these days.