Category Archives: general ramblings

laptop power adapter

i don’t know what it is with my luck and power adapters, but my power adapter for my laptop died last night. for no good reason whatsoever…though, i guess there could really be no good reason for it dying ever, anyway, but i digress.

i’m now trying to figure out how i get the warranty for my laptop to get this thing fixed. it’s rather disappointing how quickly it has died… so sad.

no time to blog

it has been so busy that i’ve had no time to blog. not that it really matters, i don’t really have much to report in the blog anyway. work has been busy, i have something like 60 bugs that have been issued to me to fix. 60. that is 59 more than i wanted to fix. but hey, who’s counting? our stupid bug tracking program is…and it sends me emails happily telling me about more new bugs that are in my code.

it’s silly, really, that i have such frustration on a piece of software. really, it just doesn’t seem to make sense.

luckily the root beer float that i had earlier did help calm my nerves. now i think it’s about time to call it a day and start my weekend away. ahhh, the precious weekend.


ice cream sundae!

every so often when one of the finance guys comes from the east coast office to our office, he’ll also have a special sundae treat for us. right now there’s something like 10 gallons of ice cream at the break room waiting to be eaten. i think that i may have a 5 scoop sundae today!

i was just feeling like i needed a little pick me up too!


javatown stop

it seems that i’m beginning to regularly hang out here at javatown in santa clara. i guess it’s sort of convenient because it’s very close to citybeach and i’ve got some time to kill before citybeach starts. i’m hoping for a good game today.

the nice thing is that they have free wireless at this coffee shop and they make a pretty good caramel machiato.

today’s been a pretty chill kind of a day.


while doing laundry

i was doing laundry this weekend and after i heard the buzzer for the end of the drying cycle, i opened up the dryer to see a site that was rather unexpected. unexepected in the sense that when one usually opens the dryer door, open expects to see clothes…dry clothes.

instead, what i saw was not only slightly disturbing, but rather puzzling too. neatly placed on top of my pile of clothes was a new pack of orbit gum, still in the packaging.

oh man…apparently i had left the pack of gum in my jeans and it survived the wash cycle and made it all the way into the dryer. i was afraid at first that the package had opened and all of my clothes were gummed up together, but alas, i was lucky that it was still in the packaging and so i threw it out, smelled my clothes to see if i needed to wash them again, and decided it was safe.

so if i have a super minty scent when you next see me…well, it’s from the special load of clothes.


why i read gg’s blog

because [url=]she writes things like this[/url] that make me laugh out loud:

thank God i don’t collect them anymore (i proudly walk by Ty displays now without the least bit of compromised will power or temptation), but had you known me in 1997… that was a sad sight. :p i keep telling myself, whenever i look at the tub full of pvc pelleted goodness, someday i will part with them… someday.

much like these hunger pangs and general feelings of inadequacy.

you don’t find a sense of humor like that everyday, folks. you really don’t.


moving along

i have finally finished coding out this one part of my project that has been haunting me for the longest time. it turned out that the way i solved the problem was by removing all of the code that was associated with this section and just start from scratch. man, this bit of code has been haunting me for the last several days. i wonder if that is what my bad dreams were about last night.

i look forward to going to sleep tonight. i’m tired and ready to go to bed.


unsettling dream

i had a bad dream last night. i don’t remember what happened, but i do remember waking up panting in a cold sweat. i couldn’t sleep well again after that. i wish i knew what it was about, but for the life of me i can’t rememeber. i had a hard time getting out of bed this morning though. i just didn’t feel like getting up and starting the day after such an unsettling night.

oh well, it’s hump day, hopefully it’ll get better soon.


day 4: 5 ramens down

unfortunately i have 16 more to go with the initial ramen taste test. 16 more packages of ramen. man, i don’t know if i have it in me to do that. i really just don’t know. i was making ramen today and my co-worker was making campbell’s chicken noodle soup. we looked at the sodium content for that soup and it was actually comparable to the sodium content in my instant noodles. that sort of made me feel better about how bad this instant noodle stuff is…and besides, i don’t drink the soup so that’s got to be tons more healthy for you…though, probably still not a healthy meal, eh?

i don’t know if i can do it. i mean, a package a day, twice a week…that’s now something like 8 weeks out before i’m done. two more months of this?? i don’t know if that’s something i can do….although, in the first week i did eat four packages of ramen so maybe it won’t be as bad as i think…maybe.

what i find interesting is that i’m redoing my rating system on the ramen after i try each ramen. you know, the newest ramen seems to be raising the bar, so past ramens need to be downgraded. what once was a B+ rating is now a C. go figure.

is it weird that i feel a little bouncy now? should i be concerned?



i was told recently that i’m a bit of a smart ass when it comes to talking to my siblings. i don’t see how that assessment could have come from one little comment i made.

i have a younger brother and a younger sister.

my brother and i routinely tell my sister that she is our favorite sister and then we ask her who her favorite brother is.

that’s not obnoxious, is it?
