Category Archives: general ramblings

the things i don’t do

i was talking to a friend of mine today and we got to the topic of dating someone who was already taken. i am adamantly against this practice. i don’t think it’s right. if i find out that someone is taken, they are basically dead to me, romantically speaking. for me, the thought of pursuing someone who already has a significant other is all sorts of wrong.

firstly, it would really upset me if a guy tries to put the moves on my girl. the whole idea of trying to steal my girl away from me just makes me pretty upset. not that i think that she is my possession or anything, but it’s just messed up to go after someone else’s significant other. i would never be able to do it, regardless of how cool i think the girl is and no matter how attracted i am to her, if she’s taken that’s that.

so then my friend asked me what if the guy she’s with treats her really badly and she’s miserable. to that i could only say that it doesn’t change my mind at all. there’s a reason that she still sticks it out with him and until she leaves him, there’s no way that i’d pursue anything. i would hate to be the reason why a couple starts to fight and breaks up. there should be enough love for everyone out there to get their equal share. why try to take away from someone else? it’s just bad karma.

and finally, i think that it would probably make me pretty uncomfortable if i were to date someone who i took away from someone else. what assurances do i have that there won’t be some other dude that will try to take her away from me and that she’ll then go to him. it just sets a bad precedent.

if i am to start in a relationship, it should be a happy thing, not one that was bourne out of someone’s misery. the relationship should be a joyous time for everyone.

do i expect then, that other guys will think the same way and not try to take girls away from their guy? of course not. i live in the real world. i know how it works. but the way i figure is that i should be confident in my relationship such that i wouldn’t have to worry about these things. if you do have to worry about these sorts of things, then i think that you have to look at the bigger problem. why are there these insecurities? what is the root of the problem?


you want to play volleyball tonight?

brad contacted me yesterday afternoon and asked me if i wanted to play grass volleyball that evening. woah, pretty late notice, but sure, i didn’t have plans anyway. so we ended up playing doubles (only four people showed up!) until almost 8. pretty crazy.

from there i rushed back home to wash up and get ready for poker night. it was a pretty big night for poker night, but it started pretty late as well. i don’t get it, it’s getting later and later every week! what is everyone doing?

but all in all it was a fun evening. i went to sleep rather soundly and now friday has come. ahhh, thank goodness for friday. i think that it’s finally time for me to relax and enjoy the coming weekend.

speaking of this weekend, i think that i will be biking with jimmy somewhere. not sure where, just yet, but i’m looking forward to that. jimmy says that it’ll be endurance biking this time. i’m not sure if i like the sound of that…


bike’s back

i took my bike back the shop to get some adjustments done and to check out how it had settled in the month that i have been riding it. there were some missing nuts and bolts on the rear derailer which sort of freaked me out, but all in all everything seems to be good. i’m not sure when the next time i will be able to go out again though. today is poker night and i have been meaning to bake some cookies all week, so i may have to stay in and bake some cookies instead of going out to ride.

tomorrow seems like it’s going to be a fun day, more cooking for me. i’m not sure what i will be making yet, though spam musubi is looking more and more attractive the more i think about it. mmmm. spam musubi. i wonder how many people there will eat it, though. i’m also thinking about breaking out the bbq bible and doing some kind of marinade meat, but i don’t know if that’ll really work out or not. we’ll have to see, i guess. i don’t know what kind of meat i’d like to make though….hmmmm, i haven’t made pork in a while…hmmmm. or chicken, really.

but anyway, yes, the bike is back.


a hawaiian birthday

emmi and steve celebrated their birthdays — hawaiian style this time around over the weekend. i [url=]took a few pictures[/url] and it was good to be able to catch up with some people i haven’t seen in a long time. they had a huge floating island in their pool that was kind of cool to see. i’ve never seen such a contraption before.

it brought back a lot of memories while i was there, but i had to leave early so i wasn’t able to stay for the late night activities. so much so has changed since i last saw them all, it was all rather overwhelming.


ambitious failure

yesterday i had boldly claimed that i would go and make cookies. instead, what happened? i ended up doing some work instead. so silly. oh well, at least the work is done and i felt like i had accomplished something. that being said, i still feel like i’ve got a lot of work to do.

my room is quickly becoming a bit of a mess. i don’t know what happened. i think that i’m going to try and clean it up tonight.

i’m making dinner for maureen to celebrate her birthday tonight. i think i’m going to have to opt for something quick because i don’t have a lot of time, so i’m not sure if i’ll resort to steak as my backup or if i should go and try something else. decisions, decisions. well, i’ll do a little recipe hunting and we’ll see how that goes.



i don’t know why i have such an affinity for chocolate chip cookies, but there’s something about them that i love. i was going to bake some yesterday, but as i started to get all of the ingredients together, i realized that i didn’t have any flour, sugar, or brown sugar. heh, just the key ingredients to making cookies, that’s all that was missing.

so i didn’t make any cookies yesterday, but i’m definitely going to go pick up the ingredients on the way home from work today and whip up a batch. mmmmm cookies.


uh oh…

a recent interview with O.J. Simpson…

Simpson also took time during the Fox interview to hype a new reality show he wants to do.

“It’s a takeoff on something called Punk’d, an MTV hidden-camera show featuring Ashton Kutcher pranks on celebrities,” he explained toVan Susteren.

“It’s me doing gags as Juice…what they call ‘juicing’ people.”

oh dear…OJ juicing people. it’s a reality horror show in the making.


recently heard…

me: i only recently started this health kick. i used to sit and watch tv all the time and just relax.
friend: don’t you feel that’s a waste of time?
me: nah, i think it’s really relaxing.
friend: but if you sit around all the time you’ll get fat.
me: see, i have this theory. if i am going to have a gut in the future anyway, why should i fight it? i should embrace it and start working on it now.
friend: i hate to break it to you, but women don’t like fat guys…unless you’re rich, then it might be ok.
me: oh dear. so i have to either get rich quick and be happily fat OR i have to be poor and unhappily work out to be fit?
friend: yup.
me: *sigh* i wish it was easier to be rich.

saturday, wait…sunday always comes too late

no posts yesterday. i spent most of yesterday drugged and unconscious. the drugged part was voluntary, the unconscious part, not so much. i woke up feeling rather ill, but shrugged it off to my usual morning grogginess. i stayed in bed longer than usual hoping it’d get better and eventually left the apartment at 6:40…much later than usual. as i left the apartment i thought that it’d get better.

traffic was just atrocious trying to drive up 101 to 880. it turns out that they closed the 880 offramp and construction was seriously backing things up. what usually takes about 10 minutes took me about 45 minutes to travel. by then, i finally decided to turn around and go back home.

an hour after i had left the apartment, i was back. i took some medicine and went back to bed. i didn’t wake up until nearly lunchtime. after that i got some lunch and then went back to bed until the evening when john woke me up for dinner.

all of yesterday was spent either sleeping or eating up until that point. it was pretty bad. but luckily things got a little bit better and i felt much better and i hung out at greg’s until about 2AM. ugh.

and now it’s saturday. the day’s half over and i’ve yet to do much of anything. i’ll be bumming over to steve’s place later today to partake in the BBQ festivities. it’s been a while since i’ve seen the ibm gang.

so i’m looking forward to that and i’m looking forward to catching up with some people who i’ve not seen in far too long. i think that i’ve been kind of bad in keeping in touch with people and i guess it’s time for me to do something about it.

i’m looking forward to playing volleyball on sunday. jen’s team and my team are matched up against each other. it should be great fun. a bunch of people are playing in the shindig tournament today and tomorrow. hmmmm, i wonder if i should find a female partner to play in these tournaments. it would be fun…
