Category Archives: general ramblings

too much fried food

i went to king eggroll today for lunch.  i thought that things were going along swimmingly when i ordered one of their preset lunches.  i wasn’t anticipating on feeling so sick after eating that much fried food, though.

fried egg rolls, fried rice, fried won tons, and before lunch i had a donut.

ugh, my stomach is not happy with me.

what wonderful timing

it was a struggle this morning to lug myself out of bed.  it seemed to defy reason why anyone would want to leave the the warm and comforting comforter that lay on top of me.  i mean, that’s why they call it “comforters”, right?  it’s supposed to keep you comfortable.  why would you want to leave that?

but alas, some guilt about going into work made me get out and be good.  so i got up and got ready to go to work.  i remembered that i had to interview someone this morning, so i was walking into the office preparing myself to interview.

what i was not expecting was to be rushed by a bunch of people asking me if i wanted to start the interview because my boss was having some car troubles.  so i started the interview as soon as i walked in, unprepared.  oops.  oh well, i’ve interviewed enough people so it was fine.

i guess it was a good thing that i dragged myself out of bed this morning.

a long weekend

unlike pretty much everyone else i know, i had martin luther king, jr. day off today.  it’s my first official company holiday.  yay.

thanh and i hung out today to catch up since we haven’t seen each other in such a long time.  we got caught up with what’s been going on in each other’s lives and it was nice to be able to just chill.

i took paddy in to the vet today for a check up.  it seems that paddy is doing much better and has grown quite a bit since i last saw her.  she apparently gained 10 ounces in a week!  my sister’s dog is quickly growing up to her full potential of…4 pounds?  =P

also of note this weekend, i went running.  now, now, before you start laughing uncontrollably, let me repeat myself so that you do not feel like you’ve misread my previous statement.  i went running over the weekend.  yup, that’s right.  running.  me.  this weekend.

i went running for the longest distance i’ve ever run in my life.  that would seem like a rather impressive statement, but i’ve never actually run any farther than a mile (stupid middle school P.E.!!) so imagine my surprise when i found myself running this weekend.

i ran for a total of 1.7 miles, the distance from my apartment to a nearby starbucks.  christi got some coffee, i was coughing up a lung.  we walked the distance back to the apartment in the cool night air.  it wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be, but it certainly wasn’t as enjoyable as i thought it’d be either.  well, let me not kid myself, i never thought it would be enjoyable.

what a weekend.


it is rare that my work account ever gets spam.  i very rarely ever give my work email address out to anyone and it isn’t a generic address (i.e. it isn’t something like so how i get spam is beyond me.

but i swear, if i ever win the UK lottery again, get contacted by some nigerian lawyer who is executing his client’s will that i happened to be a beneficiary of, or am ever offered another free ringtone, i don’t know what i could possibly do to count my lucky stars.

oh well, at least my inbox isn’t lonely anymore.

an upcoming visit

a certain ex of mine has recently informed me that she will be coming back into town.  she had asked me if i would be interested in meeting up with her and some of our mutual friends for dinner.

it is not terribly uncommon for me to stay in touch with my exes.  i wouldn’t say that i share terribly close relationships with any of my exes at present, but i would say that i share pretty amicable relationships with most.

this one in particular is married to someone who absolutely hates me, though we’ve never met.  i think it’s more of an insecurity thing.  anyhow, whenever he is in town with her, she refuses to meet up (i encourage her to bring him along) for a cup of coffee or something.

it just so happens that she’ll be in town without him this time around and so it’ll be OK if we meet.  i think i’m going to pull a jenny and tell her that it’ll be cooler if we don’t meet up.  just think about how cool it’ll be to be able to say that we haven’t seen each other for X years!  i don’t appreciate feeling like a friend of convenience.


i went to frys to return something yesterday during the lunch hour and the line was so long that they had to turn off the automatic doors so that it won’t close on people in line.

while i was looking at how long the line was, i noticed that there were two other people returning the same brand hard drive as me.  i wonder if that is a testament to the quality of seagate hard drives or not…

i use IBM or Maxtor drives pretty much exclusively these days.  i haven’t had bad luck like some people have with the ibm desktar (deathstars), but i have had a few western digital drives die on me in the past.  i have a few hard drives lying around so i decided to buy a few external hard drive enclosures yesterday.  i hope that i can put them to good use.

battle begins

last night i had decided to make homemade sushi and invite a few people other to indulge in the sushi dinner.  we had yellowtail, tuna, salmon, bbq eel, tamago, shrimp, and cucumbers at our disposal to make any roll we wanted.  i decided to make 12 eggs worth of tamago this time around, doubling the usual number, only to see that it would still completely disappear by meal’s end.

dinner was good and it was a long time since i last ate sushi at home.  i keep forgetting how much i like it and how inexpensive it is compared to going out to some sushi bar somewhere.  i think dinner totalled somewhere in the $40 range to stuff 4 people into a food coma-induced state.

but the real battle began after dinner.  there i stood with my nemesis before me.  both of us knew what was to come.  neither of us were ready to relent.

they had already beaten one rival just prior to my arrival and they were ready to take on the next challenge.  though my opponent didn’t look terribly formidable, appearances can be quite deceiving.

finally our battle was to begin.  both of us, poised, ready to pounce stared at each other long and hard.  neither of us would relent.  neither of us make the first move.

then our bodies met, i had the neck between my legs, holding on for dear life.  i twisted and pulled at the long neck, it was all i could see.  the face, already obscured by some other body part i wasn’t aware of anymore.  i tightened my grasp, pulled, tugged, and grunted.

my first pass was unsucessful, but i did not let that keep me down.  i took another stab.  again i had locked the neck between my legs, but this time as i pulled my grasp suddenly seemed to give and suddenly there was a pop!

finally it was over.

i got that bottle of wine opened.  the rubber cork was a lot harder to pull out than i expected.

too much food

i went to a&j which in san jose is now called ASJ restaurant and ordered way too much food. i thought that i could eat soup and potstickers, but on a whim i decided to order dumplings as well. i forgot that dumplings came in a serving of 12 and that potstickers came in a serving of 8. i ended up not touching any of the soup. i guess i’ll eat that tomorrow.

now i just have to wait for the food co…


volleyball was a lot of fun yesterday.  it was the first night of my regular monday night team in a new league.  there were some familiar faces and some new faces.  some people recognized me, but i didn’t recognize them.  =P  the teams we played were fun and it was good to be able to play some volleyball after what felt like a ridiculously long break.

there’s nothing more satisfying than to go up for a hit and see the entire front line triple blocking you.  that’s respect, yo!  i was hitting pretty decently last night and it was nice to feel like i was back in the groove.

three nights of volleyball a week.  i wonder if i will ever be too sore to play.