Category Archives: general ramblings

can’t hold out

i didn’t know how much longer i could hold out, but it seemed like an eternity since i ate my last donut. i broke down and stopped by the donut store on the way to work today.

i usually only order one donut, but because it has been so long since i’ve eaten a good donut, i ordered three.

i’ve only eaten one donut so far, but i indulged and got a custard filled maple bar. mmmmm.

i am so weak.

weekend of fun

this weekend came and went pretty weekend. it was a long weekend and there was a lot that i did. i don’t know how i managed to fit it all, but it was good fun. i have so many photos to post, i’ve been backlogged. maybe later tonight i will sit down and start posting everything.

on saturday morning, i went to berkeley early to watch cal play illinois. before the game we went to eat at steve’s bbq. i haven’t been to steve’s in a long time. the prices seem like they’ve been raised since i last went, but the food was pretty good.

the game started off a little rocky, but it once things got going, it was much better. greg borrowed my camera and looked at some pictures that i had taken. he took some pictures and said the kind of pictures i take and the kind of pictures he takes are very different. he ended up taking pictures of the cheerleaders. =P

sunday was a pretty good day, i woke up early to go to ella’s not-so-surprise birthday party at the park. she had alreadys suspected that something was up, but it was still good. after that i went to coach at JACL and then there was league. lots of volleyball that day, i’m kind of sore right now.

now it’s back to the grind on monday.

dinner with leeya

last night after a little volleyball, i dropped by leeya’s and had some of her noodles that she made for dinner. i haven’t eaten much of leeya’s cooking, but what i’ve had so far has actually been pretty decent. at least from the stories i’ve heard, i thought that there would have been reason to be concerned, but such is not the case.

the noodles were good and we chatted briefly about each other’s going-ons.

last night, jen and i watched some tv together. we haven’t watched tv together in ages, mostly because all she watches are korean soaps now.

supernatural was pretty freaky, but i liked it a lot. i think that this show is going to definitely be a keeper. one hour watched, 39 more shows to go! ugh.

paris hilton hacker

so there’s some coverage in the news about this kid who hacked into paris hilton’s phone and spread all the contact information to the net. it turns out that he was finally sentenced to 11 months of jail time.

he isn’t being sentenced only because he hacked paris hilton’s phone, he’s made bomb threats, hacked into t-mobile’s servers, and other much more serious hacks.

“In January, the teenager hacked into T-Mobile’s server and perused its customers’ account information, the AP reports. As part of his sentence, the teen has been barred from owning or using a computer, cell phone or any other Internet-ready equipment for a three-year period. ”

the teen has been barred from owning or using a computer, cell phone or any other Internet-ready equipement! for three years! three years! i’m not even sure if i can function day to day without a computer or cell phone. i mean, i can probably make do without a cell phone if i REALLY had to, but a computer or any internet-ready device? how completely backwards is that?

missed session

i am really bummed out that i missed out on the latest COBA meeting on studio lighting. looks like i will never be able to attend these meetings with my wednesday night volleyball.

i’ve been entertaining the idea about getting a special set up just for the studio for a hair light. i’ve been thinking a lot about all sorts of things and it surprises me that it is on my mind so much because i haven’t shot a studio scene in a long, long time.

trouble at work

something i have been working on seems to be broken. i’m not sure if it is my code or if it is just bad data, but whatever it is, it’s taking a ridiculously long time to finish this process. i tested my code, i really did. it *should* work, it really should. so i’m really hoping that it is just bad data and i’ll be absolved of any wrong doing.

i’m really hoping that it’s just bad data. =P

ode to da cindy

cindy, cindy, she’s so grand,
she’s the best, you understand.
she writes with prose oh-so-pretty,
and her entries are always quite wity.

she doesn’t understand what it means
that being “a’ight” isn’t worth causing scenes
but let me just say right now
hey, girl, don’t have a cow!

you’re the bestest
i can definitely attest
so don’t be offended, yo
be happy, you’re not really so-so.

sick of pizza?

i think that i’ve finally hit the point where i’m sick of pizza. i wasn’t sure if that was even possible. i had pizza twice last week and i think that i had pizza twice this week, too.

last night, dardy, paul, leeya, nelson, and i went to pizza chicago and had a pizza dinner. it was quite tasty.

i think that they could be my favorite pizza place. i really like the great chicago fire pizza there. delicious. we also had the al bundy with sausage (a completely vegetarian pizza just won’t do). that was pretty good, too.

the plan was for four guys to eat two large pizzas. half a large per person isn’t so bad, right? it turns out that i couldn’t finish my half and i brought home a slice. i have so many pizza leftovers in the fridge now, it’s ridiculous!