paris hilton hacker

so there’s some coverage in the news about this kid who hacked into paris hilton’s phone and spread all the contact information to the net. it turns out that he was finally sentenced to 11 months of jail time.

he isn’t being sentenced only because he hacked paris hilton’s phone, he’s made bomb threats, hacked into t-mobile’s servers, and other much more serious hacks.

“In January, the teenager hacked into T-Mobile’s server and perused its customers’ account information, the AP reports. As part of his sentence, the teen has been barred from owning or using a computer, cell phone or any other Internet-ready equipment for a three-year period. ”

the teen has been barred from owning or using a computer, cell phone or any other Internet-ready equipement! for three years! three years! i’m not even sure if i can function day to day without a computer or cell phone. i mean, i can probably make do without a cell phone if i REALLY had to, but a computer or any internet-ready device? how completely backwards is that?

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