i know it’s a little late, but the company had a halloween party. costumes were encouraged. people were also encouraged to bring in their carved pumpkins. only one person did and he won a $25 gift certificate, be default. dammit, i’m going to carve a pumpkin next year!
there was way too much food and some interesting costumes that were brought in this year. kind of fun to have a little holiday cheer at the company.
the COOLEST part of the party was the punch that the HR girl brought in. she put in food grade dry ice in the punch and it was smoking cold! that was awesome.

i don’t usually talk too much about work, but the other day i had to carry around the test bed of mobile devices that we have. i do development for a mobile device service company and so we have to have a lot of mobile devices… let me tell ya, this test bag is heavy!
i am probably one of the biggest hypocrites when it comes to job interviews. when i interviewed for this position, i came in a short sleeve button down shirt and i *think* i wore slacks. but if i see someone else come in similarly attired, they better be damn good. i know, i know. it’s a big double standard, but i don’t think that i would feel comfortable interviewing in a suit.
but one of the ways in which you can surely not impress me is to not wear deodorant. man, that was rough.
But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?