Category Archives: general ramblings

new york city

i don’t think that i really ever wrote about my trip to the big apple. i had a lot of fun while i was there and it was really great to catch up with jenny and carol.

the biggest, most important destination in NYC was b&h photo. it was CRAZY in there. it was much more impressive than cameraworld in oregon. i don’t know if it is neat or if it is sad that the first sight i wanted to see in NYC was a camera store, but this camera store was very cool.

parking is outrageous in NYC and i’m glad that i didn’t drive there either because the drivers are aggressive and crazy in manhattan. in berkeley, the pedestrians are aggressive and take the right of way. in san francisco, the drivers are aggressive and take the right of way often. in new york, everyone takes the right of way, it’s amazing that there aren’t more accidents there.

there are a few observations about new york:

  • ipods are ubiquitous
  • so is duane reade
  • and mister soft-t ice cream trucks

    everyone had warned me about how much walking i would have to do while i was in new york. it’s true, you have to walk everywhere that the subway doesn’t take you…or you can take a taxi where. that can get expensive. i didn’t mind the walking, though.

    the subway system is pretty efficient and not nearly as dirty as i thought it would be. there were some pretty foul smells here and there at the subway stations, but nothing so bad. i was really surprised at how warm it gets in the subway tunnels and i was equally surprised at how well the insides of the subways were air conditioned.

    while i was walking up broadway, it reminded me a lot of a dirty version of vegas. glitzy, glamourous, and gaudy. still, it was really cool to see all these musicals on broadway. i wish i had a chance to see one, but time just was not on my side.

    the first thing i ate in new york was pizza. i definitely wanted to sample some, but i wanted to make sure that it was good pizza so i kept walking from shop to shop until i saw one with a big line. the pizza was worth it and it was pretty good. the line spilled out onto the sidewalk and down almost half a block. i worked with someone once who refused to eat pizza in california because he said that all pizza in california sucked. i think that’s just new york arrogance, because the pizza was admittedly good but it wasn’t so good that i would be offended if i had to eat pizza elsewhere.

    i was really prepared for rude people in new york, but for the most part people were pretty normal. i wouldn’t say that they were friendly, but there were no unfriendly people that i really met while i was there.

    the empire state building, like most landmarks in new york, doesn’t actually look that impressive when you walk right up to it. but if you walk a few blocks away, it looks much more impressive.

    there are a ton of shops with character in new york. i think that’s the one thing that is really lacking in the bay area are stores that aren’t so commercial. there was this grocery store called the garden of eden whose display of produce was so impressive, i wouldn’t dare take an apple from their display because it looked like a work of art.

    of course, i had pearl tea while i was there. i went to chinatown and had some pearl tea and i had been craving it, but it wasn’t as good as it was back at home. i guess that’s one thing that california’s got over new york, hands down. i also had dumplings at joe’s shanghai and i have to thank gg for the suggestion. it was yummy and cheap.

    oh yeah, food in new york wasn’t outrageously expensive. aside from parking, most things in new york didn’t really surprise me from a financial point of view.

    i was fortunate enough to visit new york while the san gennaro festival was taking place in little italy. they had an ecclectic mix of booths, but after a few blocks of walking the festival it started to feel like it was just repeating itself. still, it’s crazy how packed it was with people for blocks and blocks!

    hanging out with carol was cool, too. i haven’t seen her in over a year and it was nice that we were able to catch up and just pick up as if we hadn’t missed a beat. i’m glad that i got a chance to meet up with her.

    the big cultural difference between new york and home has probably got to be the amount of social drinking that takes place. it just seems like that’s what you do when you go out. there are so many bars and it seems that when you go out, eating and drinking are two big things.

    the trip was great and i’m sure that it won’t be my last trip there.

  • oops! technology blunder

    last night i spent a good chunk of the evening setting up my new computer. it’s been a while since i’ve upgraded and i figured that the time was right. it’s been a while since i put a computer together and there are so many new advances in the technology that i feel so left behind.

    the guy at the computer store asked me what i was building this computer for. i told him that i want to be able to check email REALLY fast. he looked at me incredulously and so i told him that i also do a lot of photoshop work.

    the computer is slowly taking shape, i forgot how much work it is to get a computer up and running. i spent about an hour burning data onto a DVD so that i could transfer it over to the new machine and when i popped the DVD into the drive, it would not read. i started to worry that there was something wrong with the new computer. i then realized that there wasn’t a DVD drive in that machine, instead it was a CD burner. oops.

    that’s when i knew it was too late at night for me to do anymore and it is time to go to bed.

    tuesday is too much

    i’m pretty upset at myself for how completely wildly my mood has been swinging lately. one moment i’m peachy keen, the next i’m dreadfully depressed, and the next i’m just confused about how i really should feel.

    when i get like this, i think what eventually happens is that i just stop feeling. i’ve always advocated living life to its fullest, to experience the highest of highs, even at the cost of feeling the lowest of lows, too. but when i am swinging downwards, i always wonder to myself if maybe it was better that i just not feel at all. it certainly seems more pleasant.

    my mat cutter is coming in today. i’ve ordered 100 blades to come with my mat cutter. i hear that you only get about 5 mats per blade so the couple that came didn’t really seem like enough. i guess i should run over to aaron brothers today and grab some mats to try out the mat cutter. now…if only i had some pictures that i wanted to mat, it’d make things much easier…

    a pain that i’m used to

    A Pain That I’m Used To
    -Depeche Mode

    I’m not sure what I’m looking for anymore
    I just know that I’m harder to console
    I don’t see who I’m trying to be instead of me
    But the key is a question of control

    Can you say what you’re trying to play anyway
    I just pay while you’re breaking all the rules
    All the signs that I find have been underlined
    Devils thrive on the drive that is fueled

    All this running around, well it’s getting me down
    Just give me a pain that I’m used to
    I don’t need to believe all the dreams you conceive
    You just need to achieve something that rings true

    There’s a hole in your soul like an animal
    With no conscience, repentance, oh no
    Close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise
    Devils feed on the seeds of the soul

    I can’t conceal what I feel, what I know is real
    No mistaking the faking, I care
    With a prayer in the air I will leave it there
    On a note full of hope not despair

    All this running around, well it’s getting me down
    Just give me a pain that I’m used to
    I don’t need to believe all the dreams you conceive
    You just need to achieve something that rings true

    All this running around, well it’s getting me down
    Just give me a pain that I’m used to
    I don’t need to believe all the dreams you conceive
    You just need to achieve something that rings true

    new gallery widget

    i added a new gallery widget to the blog. i have to admit that i stole paul’s idea of a rotating image on the blog. i really liked it, but i wasn’t sure how i wanted to do it. previously i just had a random five images, but i had to keep adding to the library of images and i just didn’t update that library often.

    now, this gallery basically goes through every single image i’ve posted anywhere on my web site that has a thumbnail and it links back to the web page that the image originated from. nifty, eh?

    do you remember a time?

    do you remember a time when a lingering scent would bring back a flood of memories so pure, so filled with elation that you have to stop everything that you are doing because you simply cannot do anything else but enjoy that sweet, simple scent?

    do you remember a time when you would just stand so close to them, your heart pounding, yearning to be closer, waiting for that inevitable moment when the two of you could come together in the warm embrace that brings with it a kind of serenity that you’ve never experienced before?

    do you remember eagerly anticipating the moment when you would see your beloved and everything that was going wrong in your life seemed inconsequential?

    do you remember a time when you would lie next to them, hearing their soft, rhythmic breath and knowing that there would be no place you’d rather be?

    i remember a time when i felt so passionately about someone, so enraptured by their every breath. i’ve always been the romantic. i’ve always wanted that kind of fairy-tale love that knows no bounds. it’s been a while since i’ve felt that way. it seems like it’s going to be a long while before i will feel that way again. don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that i’m uncomfortable with my singlehood, but i think that i’ve always known that life was better with two.

    there are times when i feel so defeated, so crushed that i wonder if that kind of love was really meant for me. i guess today is just one of those low days. it’ll pass.

    sonoma chicken coop lunch

    you know, one of the wonderful things about working near where you live is that i also work near where my friends work. this is really kind of cool that i can meet up with them for lunch. today, greg had “won” some kind of informational lunch thing where some financial advisor would talk about financial…uhhhh, advising and then she’d buy us lunch.

    so greg, cheryl, grace, john, jen, paul, leeya, and i had lunch at sonoma chicken coop today. the food was good and free lunch is always a nice thing.

    depeche mode

    i just got in on the presale of the tickets to the depeche mode concert that’s coming to town in november. i have no idea what playing the angel is like, but i’ve heard that it is much less rock and a little bit back to their roots.

    i don’t know why i was just thinking about depeche mode the other day and how upset i was that i wasn’t able to see their concert back in high school (the last album that i enjoyed), but i’m very hopeful that the album will be good.

    i got an advanced sneak peak at the album and so far i’m VERY HAPPY with it. it’s awesome!

    new york moment

    i was at this bar/club over the weekend and in my group of friends there were four jennys, a jackie, and a mimi. lots of “E”-ending names there. i kept forgetting names of people and so when i forgot, i would just guess “jenny”. turns out that i was right most of the time.