i placed an order with dell yesterday and was disappointed to see that the expected ship date wasn’t until december 29th. then i started to get paranoid because i never got an order acknowledgement. usually dell is pretty good about these things and they send the acknowledgement right away.
this morning i was pleased to find out that my order has already shipped and it’s on its way out. there is a revised estimate of shipping date and it seems all perfectly normal.
then later today i got an email informing me that my order was shipped.
then even later today i got an email confirming that they received my original order.
those wacky guys at dell, what are they thinking?
now, i am not a big fan of dodge cars and trucks. but you gotta give the advertising execs props for having the courage to sponsor the [url=http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=816&e=1&u=/ap/20031210/ap_on_fe_st/lingerie_bowl]LINGERIE BOWL[/url], a pay-per-view event during the halftime of the super bowl where 14 models will be playing football in their lingerie.
tacky? maybe. offensive? possibly. entertaining? you betcha!
seriously, those guys at dodge crack me up. if you thought last year’s playmate fear factor was bad…
i forgot to mention that my volleyball team on monday advanced past our first two matches but finally got eliminated in playoffs. it was our first season together and i think that we did pretty well. it was fun playing with them and i look forward to the next season. altera had sponsored two teams and we played the other altera-sponsored team and beat them in a very close match. all in all a pretty fun monday. i didn’t play as well as i had wanted, but oh well.
But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?