early morning preparations

i woke up at 6:20am this morning. it was by intention, not mischance. why? i’m going to the [url=http://www.nba.com/games/20031223/LALGSW/preview.html]warriors (12-13) game[/url] tonight where they are pitted against the pitiful lakers (20-5 eep!). i’m going with three lakers fans, so i think that i may have to cheer extra loud.

i had to go into work early today because i hitched a ride from paul who gets into work at insanely early hours.

but the lakers will be without karl malone unfortunately…because in his old age, he hurt himself last sunday. go figure that in his 18+ year career he’s only missed 11 games and today will make his 12th. grrrr.

the lakers have won 10 of their last 14 games against the warriors which means it’s about time that the warriors step it up and beat some laker butt. it’s not that i don’t like the lakers, but you GOTTA root for the home team, you know? unless, of course, they are playing the kings…if that’s the case, all bets are off and the kings are going to have to win.

the warriors are in a 3 way tie for 3rd place in their division. i think this is going to put them at .500.

go warriors!


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