[url=/image.php?image=/images/2003/1230/IMG_3470.jpg&title=LAN+Party][/url] [url=/image.php?image=/images/2003/1230/IMG_3472.jpg&title=LAN+Party]
over the weekend a few friends of mine got together to relive some old memories via a LAN party. for those of you not in the know, a LAN party is when a bunch of people drag their computers over to somebody’s house and then network them together and play games against each other.
[url=/image.php?image=/images/2003/1230/IMG_3473.jpg][/url] [url=/image.php?image=/images/2003/1230/IMG_3475.jpg]
what this entails is people bringing massive amounts of hardware (computer, keyboard, mouse, monitor) over from their homes to my place. it is conveniently at my place so i don’t have to move a thing. =P
so anyway, people came, and we set up the massive network. cables were strewn everywhere. computers were humming, headphones were blasting music, and hard drives were whirling away. it was a nice walk down memory lane. we used to do this all the time. it was a lot of fun back then…still is, a little. but i didn’t get burned out so quickly before.
but it was fun. i think i’ve had my fill of LAN partying for a while now. i think that i may have had the most fun playing tetrinet2. man, it’s been a while since i last played tetris.