average joe: hawaii

larissa, the new girl of average joe 2, is not nearly as open-minded as her predecessor, melana. the show actually makes her look like quite a bitch at the beginning, but she’s beginning to open up at the end of the first episode. it definitely makes you wonder if she can get over her shallow tendecies and just get to know the guys for who they are. i’m not really digging this show as much as the last one, i’m not sure why. maybe it’s because i feel that larissa is just overly shallow and she isn’t really willing to give the guys a real chance. we’ll see, though.

it does however provide a rather interesting commentary about how much importance we place on looks when it comes to people we date. i guess that may just be a fact of life for those who are ridiculously attractive.

it does beg the question though whether or not there is some kind of cosmic balance to life. if someone is really THAT attractive, does it mean that they are lacking in something else THAT much? hmmmm.

new volleyball league

last night was the first day of my new league. it’s the West Side JACL volleyball league on sundays. it’s actually quite a bit of fun. i was a little intimidated when i found out that i was playing in the A pool, but i think that i can totally keep up with these guys. my new teammates are pretty cool and friendly so that makes it all the better.

what was really surprising is that this league is predominantly asian. i would say that there is maybe a small handful of non-asian people playing. i wonder why. it was also funny because on my team, i am one of the taller guys on the team. how often does that happen? heh.

i’m definitely looking forward to sunday nights. i think i may have hurt my knee a little bit last night, but i’m hoping the soreness will go away soon.
