busy bee

i’ve been pretty busy lately, i haven’t had a chance to sit down and write anything down.

yesterday, i had a red bull early in the day because i was very tired and i needed a little pick me up. i got shaky and jittery in the morning and then the ensuing crash started to set in during the afternoon. i’m very sensitive to caffeine and i think that this drink put my whole body out of whack. after volleyball i went immediately to sleep and ended up sleeping for 10 hours yesterday because i wasn’t feeling well.

i don’t think that my body has fully gotten back to normal yet, either. i am never drinking red bull again.

i had a moment to go to my optometrist today and get my glasses adjusted. they were a little crooked so i wanted them to fix it. they weren’t crooked in the way that glasses are usually crooked, though, no, instead one side of my glasses was closer to my face than the other. so whenever i shut my eyes tight, my cheek would bump into one side and leave an oily mark.

so i go into the optometrist office and my optometrist says, “oh, i remember you. you play volleyball, right?”

“uhhh…yeah,” i respond, surprised that she remembered.

“so what can i do for you?”

“well, my glasses are crooked and i was wondering if i could get it adjusted.”

and then she asks, “do you get hit by volleyballs a lot?”



“uhhh, what?” i ask.

“oh, i just wanted to know if that’s why your glasses are crooked,” she responds.


so anyway i got my glasses adjusted and they are peachy fine now.


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