the dentist said…

i should avoid hot and cold foods and only eat room temperature foods so as to not aggravate my exposed nerve.

i was so bummed out that i have to get a root canal that i made steak and bought klondike bars. a steak and ice cream should cure all of my blues away…too bad the pain is still there.

bad dentist visit

i cracked a tooth yesterday and i went to the dentist today. i was able to schedule an emergency visit to see what was wrong and it was worse than i had expected. i’ve had pain ever since i cracked the tooth, so i knew it was bad.

but it’s real bad. it turns out that one of my fillings is pretty old and i’ve been told that over the years the fillings (because they are made out of some kind of metal) will expand and contract with heat or cold temperatures. over time this will cause the filling to lose its seal and worse yet it can cause microfractures in the tooth walls if the filling is particularly large (as was the case for me).

so finally the tooth gave way and it revealed a pretty bad cavity. the nerve is exposed and it hurts to drink hot or cold fluids…and it just hurts in general now. so i have to get a root canal. ugh. it’s due later this week and i’m drugging myself to deal with the pain for now.

i wonder what cavemen did when they had toothaches.