All posts by wilco


over the weekend, [url=]geoff[/url] and i were waxing philosophy about photography. it sort of reminded me of what it was about photography that i loved.

i would say that most people are pretty casual when they take pictures. these photographs are generally taken so that they can capture a moment. some people are very specialized in the kind of photography that they do. some focus on landscapes, while others do portraits. i’ve always sort of fell somewhere in the middle. i enjoy landscapes, but i also enjoy photographying people. animate, inanimate objects, abstract, whatever, i’ve probably tried it all.

though capturing the moment is part of my goal, i think that what i strive for when i take photos is to show someone something that they haven’t seen…or to show them something they’ve seen a million times, just not quite the same way i do.

there is a school of photography that is all about the commercial image. the one that is tried and true, and people universally seem to enjoy. i like that look, but i cannot say that that is what i strive for. i’ve shot with more traditional photographers and they know exactly how to shoot something. it’s the shot that has the highest commercial value. it’s a very mainstream perspective and it works quite well.

but that just isn’t me. i think one of the things i enjoy most about photography is that i can share with someone else how i see the world. a lot of the images that i take are about how i interact with the environment that i’m in. so when it comes to photographing people, i feel that i really get a lot more out of it if i get to know the model a little bit.

it’s sort of like capturing how i see them. like i’ve said before, i’ve worked with models who are bold and some that are shy. each shoot varies, the poses aren’t the same because the people aren’t the same. it’s just a matter of me trying to figure out how best to portray them. so far i think that i’ve been reasonably successful, though my friend also told me once, “if you start with a beautiful model, your pictures can’t go too wrong.”


photo shoots

i did two photoshoots over the weekend. both models are a little shy about showing the pictures taken, so nothing to see just yet. i’ll work on them. but it was interesting to work with them. it’s interesting because each person that you photography is different and you can’t apply the same techniques to photograph them.

personalities come into it, quite a bit. some are more reserved, some are more daring. i think that i’ve worked an interesting range of models. i think that i have definitely was lucky that the first several shoots i did were with people who were very comfortable in front of the camera and they had many ideas about how to pose.

but still it’s fun to do the shoots and i think that i’m learning quite a bit about portrait photography.


while i was waiting for one of my models to get ready, i was setting up the scene and lighting. while i was checking out the scene, jen took a picture of me. i think i need to invest in some kind of powerful super iron that can iron whole sheets at a time…either that or get backgrounds that don’t wrinkle. hmmm, anyone have about 6 yards of that wrinkle free khaki material?

batteries, yo.


ooooh, i got some batteries in the mail. i really like [url=]battery space[/url]. their batteries are cheap, they delivered quickly, and the batteries look like candy! these batteries were bought to power the two new flashes that are supposed to be coming my way. i don’t have any tracking information so i don’t know when they will be coming, but they are due ANY DAY NOW. so i spent a good part of the weekend charging all of these batteries. i really need to invest in a rapid charger.


woah, muvo!

back on march 5th, i placed an order for the muvo2 4GB mp3 at amazon. the estimated delivery date was march 15-17. then i got an email a few days later stating that their stock is out and they will ship it to me as soon as they replenish their stock. now, the reason why the muvo2 is so popular is because a lot of people are ripping out the microdrive embedded in the mp3 player and they are using it for their digital cameras. the muvo itself is only $200, the cost of 1GB compact flash these days, so you get 4 times the storage for the price. it’s a great thing, and i can’t wait until i get it so i can rip it apart and replace the microdrive with my older 1GB card.

but anyway, it just got shipped today, so i should be getting it sometime next week. man, that’s nearly two months late! it’s a shame that the performance of the drive is so slow on my camera, but oh well, i guess it’ll have to do.


call of the bed

i’m not sure why it was so hard for me to get out of bed today. i didn’t stay up too late. i didn’t forget to set my alarm. i didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, but today i was contemplating sleeping in and getting into work 3 hours later than i usually do.

“it’d be ok,” i thought to myself as i snuggled under the warmth of my blanket.

but then it guilt finally struck and i started to get up and get ready for the day. now, several hours later, i’ve gotten a fair bit of work done and i’m pretty happy with the results, so i guess it all works out for the best. i’m going to costco today to get some food for a bbq tomorrow and i think that i may consider making pot roast tonight. mmmmm. pot roast.

but definitely some kind of meat. mmmmm. meat.


with or without you

this last weekend was a bit of a liberation for me. i think that i’ve been feeling down the past few weeks, but i’m starting to notice something that’s turning things around. i think part of it had to do with dealing with some of the troubles that i’ve been avoiding for all this time. and in avoiding those issues, i started to create new ones. i started to feel burdened with all of the weight of the previous problems piling on top of me.

but this last weekend lifted those things from my shoulders. it was a little unpleasant at first and difficult to do, but i’m feeling much better these days. now, if only i wasn’t so busy at work, i might be able to take advantage of this and go do something fun.


With or Without You

See the stone set in your eyes
See the thorn twist in your side
I wait for you
Sleight of hand and twist of fate
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait without you
With or without you
With or without you

Through the storm we reach the shore
You give it all but I want more
And I’m waiting for you
With or without you
With or without you
I can’t live with or without you

And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give, and you give
And you give yourself away

My hands are tied – my body bruised
She’s got me with nothing to win
And nothing left to lose

And you give yourself away
And you give yourself away
And you give, and you give
And you give yourself away

With or without you
With or without you
I can’t live with or without you


weekend events

i’m sort of bummed about this weekend and sort of happy about it. conflicted, i guess, best describes this weekend. the westwide vegas volleyball tournament is this weekend and i was supposed to go to it with some volleyball friends. but instead, because of circumstances out of my control, i’m unable to go and play anymore. part of it is because my ankle is still not 100% and i guess that’s reason enough for me not to go.

but still, i was really looking forward to it. all year. and i won’t be able to hang out with charlowe who i haven’t seen since forever, too. major bummer.

to offset that, i’ve actually got potentially two photo shoots this weekend. pretty crazy stuff, i’m not sure what the theme will be, but i’m sure that it’ll be fun. i’m also going to go to shirley’s bbq of eclectic food. i’m still not sure what eclectic food i will bring, though i’m now leaning towards miso salmon. hrmmmmmm.

i also want to spend some time on sunday making some good food. i’m thinking pot roast. mmmm, that would really hit the spot.


flash accessories

after some thought, i’ve decided that i need to stop borrowing paul’s flash every time i need to take studio pictures. so today i decided to invest in some more flashes. i’ve been trying to figure out which flash system would best work out for me and i’ve decided to try out something that one of the COBA members suggested.

i just ordered a couple of vivitar 283 flashes and wein hs slave triggers and a ton of batteries. man, these flashes are greedy when it comes to battery consumption. greedy, greedy, greedy. or maybe i’m a little too liberal with the flashing. heh…flashing.

but anyway, all the gear has been ordered and it looks like i’m going to have to go and look at making some more gel filters for my flashes when they come in.

i didn’t think that i would really take to studio photography or all of this elaborate lighting, but it’s actually pretty cool. i want to spend a lot more time experimenting with the lights to see what kind of effects i can pull off. overall, though, i think it’ll be pretty neat stuff to come. i just need to coax a few more models to help me learn how to use all this gear.

i think i am rapidly outgrowning my studio space, though, and i’ll need to find somewhere to set up all of this gear.


chocolate chip bagels?

when did noah’s start making full sized chocolate chip bagels? i know they made the mini chocolate chip bagels and i was actually outraged that they didn’t make the full sized version of them. i used to complain to anita back in college about that during one of our CE lectures.

ahh, those were the good old days. but anyway, it appears that they now make the full sized chocolate chip bagels. mmmmm.

today’s already shaping up to be a pretty good day.
