Category Archives: general ramblings

beauty and the geek

i try really hard not to get sucked up into the inane, but i’ve started to watch the show.  the basic premise is that the show gets a bunch of geeks and pairs them up with beautiful women.  the women aren’t self-admittedly not very intelligent, but they thrive in social situations.  the guys are all very intelligent, but to a fault, they lack any real social grace.

the combination of the two is to help each learn from the other.  it’s a pretty interesting show and i can’t help watch it.  maybe it is because it’s entertaining to see people really grow.  maybe it is because it is just mind-boggling that some people are in such denial about certain things.

winning with five

last night we were short a player for our volleyball team, but the other teams on our court were short a player as well.  this made it a night of fives for everyone.  our team has been struggling this year and we have had our ups and down.  i think that i’ve been in a bit of a slump recently, but we still played well.

our team managed to finish the night undefeated, something that i don’t think we’ve done in a long time.  it was good fun and i really enjoyed how the team came together.  it was the best we’ve played all season.

superbowl sunday

it’s superbowl sunday and i’ve actually got a fair amount of to do today.  i’m going to go to henry’s superbowl party, but because there is volleyball tonight, it looks like i will have to leave the party early to make the trek down to san jose to play vball tonight.

last week’s volleyball was not pretty.  i wasn’t feeling well and had a pretty bad off night.  my team is not faring quite as well as i thought we would on paper, but i think that that will change soon.  the sunday league is supposed to be for fun, so hopefully it’ll stay fun.  =)

tomorrow is going to start a week of big work for me.  i’m not sure how much i’ll get done, but i think that i’m going to be pretty busy at work.  i’ve been doing some work at home and on the weekends lately and i can’t wait until this project is done.  i’m starting to feel overwhelmed.

lack of posts

you know that i’ve got nothing to write about when i start doing memes (which i recently found out is not pronounced as me-me, but mEEEEm) and other types of online quiz-type things.  still, i was amused enough to try this quiz to see what kind of major i should have pursued.

oddly enough, i had thought about being a math major until i took some math class in college that had all of these vector things that i thought were retarded.  you had to draw in that class.  that instantly turned me off to math.  i don’t like to draw.  which is also consistent with this quiz as art got a whopping 17%.

i guess the results of the quiz makes sense, i am currently an engineer that likes to blog about sometimes philosophical things about society.

my results:

You scored as Mathematics.

You should be a Math major! Like Pythagoras, you are analytical,
rational, and when are always ready to tackle the problem head-on!

Mathematics 100%
Engineering    92%
Philosophy    75%
Journalism    75%
Sociology    67%
Theater    67%
English    58%
Linguistics    50%
Psychology    33%
Biology    25%
Dance    17%
Chemistry    17%
Anthropology    17%
Art    17%

meme from cindycindy

Name: Wilco
Birthday: March 24
Birthplace: San Jose
Current Location: San Jose…boy, the apple sure doesn’t stray far from the tree, huh?
Right Handed or Left Handed: i do almost everything right handed, except sleeping.
Your Heritage: japanese
The Shoes You Wore Today: hiking shoes
Your Weakness: cameras, donuts, and ice cream.
Your Fears: no cameras, donuts, or ice cream. eek!
Your Perfect Pizza: i really like the great chicago fire from pizza chicago, otherwise, pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: gain 3 inces to my vertical
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: 😛
Thoughts First Waking Up: ugh, gotta wake up.
Your Best Physical Feature: my charming smirk
Your Bedtime: 2:30a
Your Most Missed Memory: what?
Pepsi or Coke: coke, most recently diet coke
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds, $1 menu
Single or Group Dates: usually single, but double is nice from time to time
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea rasberry ice tea…mmmmmm.
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!
Cappuccino or Coffee: white mocha, no whip, extra hot. OR cinnamon dolce latte, no whip, no foam, extra hot.
Do you Smoke: only meats and maybe an occassional salmon
Do you Swear: fuck no!
Do you Sing: only when i’m alone or think i’m alone, but usually in my head
Do you Shower Daily: yeah, it wouldn’t be pretty otherwise.
Have you Been in Love: yeah
Do you want to go to College: no more school for me.
Do you want to get Married: ok!
Do you believe in yourself: only when i’m not lying.
Do you get Motion Sickness: i sometimes get sick watching all the lines of code fly by on my screen.
Do you think you are Attractive: i’m hawt! errr, yeah, that’s what i tell myself.
Are you a Health Freak: i think health freaks are freaks.
Do you get along with your Parents: yup.
Do you like Thunderstorms: so long as i’m not outside in them, i love them.
Do you play an Instrument: i do not have a musical bone in my body
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: wine counts, right?
In the past month have you Smoked: nope.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no, but sometimes i feel like other people around me are or should be
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yes.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: i *think* so, but i’m not sure.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: i really, really want to say yes, but i don’t think that i have. i need to go buy some oreos.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: a month without sushi is like a month without a donut. it just doesn’t happen.
In the past month have you been on Stage: nope.
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: yes.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no, but people have often told me that i get away with murder at work
Ever been Drunk: yeah, it wasn’t pretty…for me or the toilet.
Ever been called a Tease: not to my recollection
Ever been Beaten up: yeah, but you should have seen the other guy!
Ever Shoplifted: nope.
How do you want to Die: happy.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: independently weathly doing the things that i like to do.
What country would you most like to Visit: paris? somewhere in europe, but not sure where.

In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: brown
Favourite Hair Color: black, sometimes with highlights
Short or Long Hair: long
Height: i like girls who are < = 5'4"
Weight: i have to be able to carry them. oh, i am kinda weak, too. =P
Best Clothing Style: hawt or yummy is ok with me.
Number of Drugs I have taken: eh?
Number of CDs I own: people still have CDs?
Number of Piercings: a few is alright
Number of Tattoos: i don’t really like tattoos
Number of things in my Past I Regret: i regret not stopping by the donut store this morning…

so much travel

it looks like this year will be a year of travel for me.  i’m planning on going to atlanta later this month and hawaii in the summer for a wedding.  it’s february and i’ve already planned for half of my vacation time to be used up already!  i don’t think that i really travelled much last year, aside from a short weekend trip to new york, so it’ll be nice to go to some places this year.

more fantasy madness

i had thought that the management of my fantasy nba teams wouldn’t be that hard now that i figured that my roster has pretty much been settled.  as it turns out, i’ve had some underperformers and there have been some free agents that have really been doing well so i decided to mix up my line up.

team 1 didn’t get much of a change, but i’ve dropped TJ ford and picked up delonte west.  this makes management of this team a little more confusing because i have both delonte west AND david west on my roster for this team.  they are both D. West, so i have to look at their position to see who is who.  i am really, really reluctant to drop peja stojakovic, but he has been having a really crummy season since he has hurt himself and he’s only mediocre now.  i’m going to keep him in my roster for now, but if he doesn’t shape up soon, i may have to get rid of him.  kobe has been performing well as has jason richardson.

team 2 got a huge makeover.  i dropped grant hill who has been completely useless to me since i picked him up for turkoglu, but i got turkoglu back.  okafor has been hurt and hasn’t been playing much and it looks like he’s going to be hurt for a while, so i needed a new center.  enter chris karman…i know…a clipper…on my team.  who would have thunk it?  i had TJ ford on this team too and picked up delonte west for him…again.  at least i’m consistent.  and finally nenad krstic whose name i thought was cool really wasn’t doing much for me, so i decided to find another center and so chris mihm is filling out his shoes.  iverson has been doing for this team, richard hamilton has been doing decent, but not as well as i was hoping.  baron davis is also on this team, but i’m really hoping it is alonzo mourning who will really step up and grab some more boards.  his blocking is just crazy, though.

anyway, i’m struggling in my leagues, i can’t seem to make the top spot, always trailing close behind at second.  hopefully these changes will make a difference.

frustrated or pissed?

we were having a conversation the other day about which was better: being frustrated or pissed?

the example i used was in playing volleyball.  is it better to lose and be frustrated because your team’s play was just so much worse than its potential OR is it better to lose and be pissed because your team got killed by another team who is just better than your own?

the consensus seemed to be that it is better to be pissed than frustrated because if you are pissed that means that your team had the potential to play better and maybe win the games whereas being frustrated means that your team just didn’t end up playing well because they just couldn’t.

i guess it really boils down to whether or not you’ve played to your potential.  i think that so long as you’ve tried your best, then you can’t really ask for much more.  but if you aren’t playing hard or you just aren’t playing well, you realize that you are capable of more, but just aren’t doing it.

getting the newspaper

yesterday while getting dinner, i decided to go get a newspaper from the newspaper machine.  i jiggled the door before putting money in there and heard the sound of a few coins falling.  i checked the coin return slot and sure enough there were two quarters there.

so i reinserted them in the machine, got my paper, and jiggled on the door.  another quarter came out.  i jiggled some more, but nothing else came out, so i put the single quarter back in there and left.

so i got a free paper and whoever goes there next will have half their paper paid for too.

being a ref

for all of my volleyball nights we have to ref games when we aren’t playing. there are three types of refs for a volleyball game: an up ref, a down ref, and a line ref. most people like to be a line ref because there is little that you have to do except call whether balls are inside or outside of the court.

i generally find that i have to up ref games because the people on my team do not enjoy or do not want to do it because they feel it is stressful. yesterday, i was a line ref and i found that job to be more stressful than being an up ref because you really have to pay attention to where the ball lands. sometimes the ball is coming at you really fast.

and people on both teams are staring at you for your call which really adds to the pressure. i think that i might enjoy being an up ref more than being a line ref. a down ref is kind of boring, i figure if you are going to get stuck doing ref duties, you might as well be an up ref.

but don’t tell me teammates that. i want them to ref so i can just sit around and watch the games.