i’m waiting now for a data dump to finish downloading so i can get some work done. it’s a roughly 8GB transfer that i just started.
let’s see, the connection is a 1Mb/s connection, so that’s 1,000,000 bps * 1byte/8bit = 125kB/s. now there’s network latency and other people sharing this connection, so let’s say that i’m really transferring at about 100kB/s which i think is a little fast, but let’s pretend that’s correct. that’s 1MB every 10 seconds, or 6MB per minute. in an hour, i can transfer 360MB.
that means it’ll only take 22 hours before my download is done. hmmm, it’ll be done by end of day friday! i guess my work is done for the week. i should go home for the weekend.
Cool logic. Can you come over here and download something for me on my work computer?