a change in software firewalls

it used to be that when you thought windows software firewall, you would think ZoneAlarm. in fact, up until a few days ago, zonealarm was the only firewall that i would use on any of my machines. i liked the interface, i liked that it seemed to work, and i’ve grown comfortable with it. it’s like an old trusty friend always there when you need a hand…to stop hackers.

lately, i’ve been having some issues with zonelab’s free product, zonealarm firewall when used with utorrent. i kept getting truevector service errors that would lock up my internet connection and force me to reboot. after finally getting fed up i decided to test out a new firewall. i’m currently using comodo free firewall and it’s been working great. i haven’t had to reboot my computer because of some kind of firewall issue and so it’s been smooth sailing.

if you are in the market for a firewall product, i recommend it.

2 thoughts on “a change in software firewalls”

  1. looking at the firewall leak tester, it sure looks like comodo is a step in the wrong direction. the only thing is that i’m looking for open source or freeware software to protect my computer. if i were to pay money…well, that’s a different story altogether.

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