Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-07

  • How is it poison free? Isn't it poisoness to the ants? How else do they die? Inquiring minds want to know! #
  • An apple a day… #
  • The Kitchen Table in Mountain View is a dairy-free restaurant. What do they have against cows?? #
  • just upgraded to the new PS3 3.00 firmware. looks good so far and it looks like sony is pushing the PS3 towards being a media center. #
  • – "This disc could not be burned and should be repurposed." those wacky Disco devs have a sense of humor. #
  • giving ingrid michaelson's latest album _everybody_ a listen. i can't quite place what her voice reminds me of… #
  • Finally Friday! Long day of testing/debugging ahead and then it's the long weekend. #
  • ordered a laptop battery from ebay on 8/25. it still hasn't come. checked tracking and it FINALLY has left NJ yesterday. not speedy delivery #
  • Fell asleep watching tv, but now can't sleep after moving to bed. Why does this always happen? #
  • does facebook look weird to anyone else? #
  • At Chow in Danville. #
  • Chow in Danville charges $2.75 for a can of diet coke, $4.95 for a glass of orange juice. #
  • Fish tacos at Chow in Danville. #
  • Costco run sucked today. Got run over by an impatient shopper who couldn't wait for the aisle to clear. It's a zoo in there. #