Category Archives: general ramblings

drunken volleyball

last night to celebrate diana passing the bar, she bought a pitcher of beer for the team. only two others of us showed up, so we finished off the pitcher ourselves. i’m not much of a fan of beer, but we had a pitcher of fat tire which was not nearly as revolting as other beers i’ve samped in the past.

unfortunately, i didn’t really eat much that day and i’m a real lightweight so when we were warming up, i felt a little dizzy…but playing the game…man, that was an altogether interesting experience. i was swinging pretty hard, but had no idea that i was swing as hard as i was until after the games and someone asked me about it. ooops.

all in all, it was good fun, though. maybe i’ll temper my drinking a little bit, but a little drink before the game made for a rather entertaining evening.


friday’s sundae is today’s root beer float

we had sundaes on friday at work and there were 3 gallons of ice cream bought for the sundae delight. needless to say there’s plenty of leftover ice cream so today i decided to make a root beer float. i think i used about 4 scoops of ice cream this time and i know i’m going to be paying for it later with an upset stomach, but man is it worth it.

i don’t know what it is about root beer floats that compel me to make them super sized, but i can never have a one scoop root beer float. it just doesn’t work like that for me. mmmm…

monday morning

today started off with a slow start. i had a bad night’s sleep, but i’m not sure what it was that caused the lack of sleep. yesterday was a semi-productive day, and i had a bunch of people over for dinner. i made tri-tip and pork chops with the last of my propane on the grill. it’s been a while since i’ve grilled anything so that was kind of nice. with about 9 people in attendance, we managed to polish off two big cuts of tri-tip and a good portion of the pork chops. it was quite the meaty dinner.

[url=]dardy[/url] was one of the attendees and he was catching us up with the goings on of his life. it seems that there are a lot of changes in store for him. but it was good catching up with him, i haven’t really hung out with him in a while.

it was good to be able to catch up with people in general, i sort of feel a little disconnected with certain people lately. i don’t know what it is, but it just seemed like i’ve not hung out with some people for quite a while.

i went hiking on saturday at castle rock. i got a little lost on the hike, but eventually found my way back. there were some rock climbers climbing goat rock, which was on the hike that we went on, so i sat there for a bit watching them climb the face of the rock. yeah…rock climbing is definitely not a sport for me.

all in all the weekend was restful…i have a ton of laundry that i need to do, though. i probably should have done it this weekend, but oh well.


customer turned salesman

i was at the farmer’s market today and there was a long line at the kettle corn booth. this booth is always a popular pick at the farmer’s market. today, the line was extra long because there was only one person working the booth.

the guy in front of me goes and asks, “you think this guy needs some help? maybe i’ll go and help him out and i’ll get a bag of free popcorn.”

so the guy goes there and volunteers his services and gets to filling the popcorn and selling it to the folks waiting in line. i thought that was kind of cool of the guy to go up and just offer help like that.


open gym volleyball

i decided to check out the open gym in milpitas to see if this was something that i wanted to do on a more regular basis. the last time i went to open gym was many, many years ago. and the last time i went, i remember that i played in the beginner’s court. the middle court was too intimidating for me and i didn’t want to feel like i was messing up the game.

but this time around, i signed up for the middle court and it was just fine. i felt pretty comfortable playing there and the play was decent. but i did feel that something was missing from open gym. there just wasn’t a sense of team spirit there and i thought that i was just playing for the sake of playing. i didn’t really get the ball as often as i would have liked to, as the regulars tended to involved more of their own than newcomers.

still, it was alright. if i couldn’t play anywhere else, then i think that i would have liked to have played more there, but i don’t know if i really find it fulfilling enough for me. that being said, i think that i probably won’t be going regularly unless i go with a big group of friends.


product photography

i’m making the trek into the city tonight to do some product photography for a friend of mine. it appears that she’s the pastry chef at this bakery in the sunset district and they are going to have a chocolate truffle tasting tonight. i’m going to go and check out some of the confections that they have and also get an idea of what kind of pictures they want for their shop.

i’m not really too keen on taking pictures of food. it’s still a bit of a mystery to me how to make food look tasty. there’s something that seems to always be lost in translation when it comes to food photography. i don’t quite know what the secret is, but i’m sure that it’ll be a lot of work to get it to the pro level.

i’m just going to try and wing it and do a few test shoot to see how it works out though…and besides, a free truffle tasting can’t be SO bad.

welcome to tuesday

today is tuesday. though many people believe that mondays are the worst, i would like to nominate tuesdays as the worst day of the week.

monday – yes, you have to start the week again. go to school, work, or whatever other obligation you have.

wednesday – it’s hump day. how bad can it be? you’re getting over the hump and there’s salvation soon.

thursday – friday is only a day away. it can’t possibly be too bad for much longer.

friday – joyous days are here again!

but tuesday…what do you have to foward to on a tuesday? nothing, really. the painful memory of monday still burns in your head, there’s nothing exciting to look forward to the next day, and worst of all, tuesdays just seem to drag on because there’s no end in sight.

yeah, tuesdays are probably the worst day of the week.

but then again, if you ask me tomorrow what the worst day of the week is, i bet i’d tell you wednesday.

man…i really have to stop living for the weekends.

little bit sleepy…

it’s been a long and painful day today. i’ve been doing a lot of tedious work adding a new templating system into my project. the existing template engine (if you can call it that) sucked and it was just becoming too much of a hassle to try and maintain the site. so, i’m ripping out all sorts of things and adding all sorts of other things to this project and all of this HTML work is driving me insane. such tedious work…


it has been a long time since i’ve gotten pearl tea while in oakland, so i think that i will take a little break of sorts and go fetch myself a pearl tea drink. mmmmm.

the problem with pearl tea drinks for me, lately, is that i just can’t seem to finish them anymore. they just don’t give me the kind of joy that they used to. sad, isn’t it?

actually, what’s even more sad is that i’m debating right now if i should walk there or drive there…

it’s just…so…far…


i haven’t been feeling well lately. it’s been touch and go, but i just haven’t really felt like myself now for the last week and a half. i’m not sure what’s going on. there are times when i’m feeling just fine, but then there are other times when i’m feeling downright awful.

now is a good time, so i’m trying to be as productive as i can while i’m still feeling well.

this week looks to be quite the busy week. i’m trying to see if i can squeeze in some extra time to do some things that i want to fit in this week, but it looks like it is going to be a tight fit.

i missed volleyball last night because i wasn’t feeling very well. there are only a few more weeks left in the season. i wonder if i should rejoin JACL for next season…


how do you cope with the rain?

i don’t understand how people deal with rain. actually, i don’t understand how people can live in areas where it rains more months of the year than it is sunny. that truly boggles my mind. well, if you think about it, i’m sure it’d boggle yours too.

yes, yes, i’m quite the california weather snob. i can’t help it. i’ve lived in california for almost my entire life. the longest stretch i’ve been out of california was when i was on my month long road trip. but aside from that i’ve been in california pretty much my whole life. now, sure, i’ve visited all sorts of places around the world, but i cannot say that i’ve been any happier than when i’ve been somewhere in california.

but the biggest mystery to me is how people walk in the rain with their umbrellas. i have a rather large umbrella, and i like to think of myself as a rather average-sized person. so when i walk around in the rain with my umbrella, i just don’t get how people can walk around without getting wet. my jeans were soaked on the walk from the parking lot to the office today and it was a rather unpleasant morning until i dried off.

what’s the deal? what am i missing? do i need an even larger umbrella?