average joe finale

i think that i’ve watched most of the average job series. i have to admit that i think that the producers of average joe really lucked out with melana. i say this because she’s a very attractive woman who just happened to be a very good person inside as well. she gave the guys a real chance even though they may not have been the normal lot of guys that she usually chooses from.

in the finale, we see melana choose jason, the part-time water and student who she has on numerous times described as “pretty”. instead of choosing adam, the average joe (who actually isn’t so average, as a 27 year old millionaire), who is very romantic, sweet, and caring. what i think it finally boiled down to was that melana was not physically attracted to adam. physical attraction won.

her choice sort of reaffirms my faith in women that they aren’t all gold diggers. she had the choice between a starving student and a successful millionaire. but this also reaffirms the old adage that “nice guys finish last.”

it wouldn’t have mattered which way she choose, i don’t think that it could have come out well for her. if she choose adam, i would have said that she’s a gold digger who never really dug adam until she saw his money….so she was put into an impossible situation. i think she made the right choice though, she picked the person who she was most attracted to. would you ever want to be in a relationship where you weren’t really attracted to the person?

i really wanted adam to be picked though. the guy is a stud and he’s very cool, modest, and a good person at heart.

i can’t wait to see the new average joe…in the clip of the next season we see a girl who seems really bitchy!


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