it’s all about the “en”, yo.

that’s what my mom said to me last night while we were talking about life, the universe, and everything. i didn’t know what that word meant and i asked her and she looked to my dad and this is how our conversation went:

dad: en?
me: yeah, what does “en” mean?
dad: ahhh, you know, “en” wa…. like, “en!”
me: what?! you can’t use the word to define the word!
dad: jaa, ne…”en” is like…well, you know, en!

at this point, my mom runs upstairs and gets her japanese to english electronic dictionary and types it in. “en” is the quality of being fated or destined. fate or destiny.

so my mom says that when it comes to love, it’s all about the “en”, yo. in japanese, “yo” can be used to emphasize a point. it’s actually the exact same way that i use it in english. i didn’t realize that until yesterday. it made me wonder if i knew that or not.

anyway, my mom was saying that when it comes to love, you’ll know it and it’ll work out if the “en” is there.

she then proceeded to tell me the kind of girl that she thinks i should date. she told me that the girl should have suffered in her life. people who have suffered in their life really appreciate everything about life. they appreciate the little things, don’t take people for granted, and are nice.

she also told me that i shouldn’t date a rich girl. she believes that rich people have had an easy life and expect things to be easy. so when the going gets tough, they won’t be there to support you in your time of need and suffer with you.

she also told me that i don’t need to date a pretty girl. she said even if the face isn’t pretty, it’s ok. pretty people tend to know that they are pretty and use it to their advantage.

so i asked her, “so what you are saying is that i should be dating an ugly, poor girl who has suffered through life?!” lovely! i guess i ought to go strolling telegraph in berkeley and pick up on some bums, eh?

7 thoughts on “it’s all about the “en”, yo.”

  1. i’m sure that she sounds nice and cute because she isn’t telling you to find ugly, poor people who have had a hard life.

    i don’t think that i would mind a cute sugar mama who’s been spoiled all her life and she wants to spoil me. that can’t be bad, can it? =P

  2. this post was fun to read… your mom is right… when it comes to love, you’ll know it. 🙂

  3. I linked to you thru Diana’s blog, and I have no idea who you are. I randomly scrolled to this entry and was instantly absorbed in it. Sometimes it’s the strangers who have no ulterior motive who are the most honest. Sometimes it’s the “coincidences” that are placed the most deliberately into one’s life. Thanks for this entry, it’ll help get me through a very rough patch I’m trying to survive right now.

  4. lol…i got a good chuckle out of that one. reminds me of the conversations i have with my mom.

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