american idol ice cream

i must have missed the boat last season because this is the first time i’ve heard of it before, but dryer’s is putting out american idol ice cream flavors!

they are: cheesecake diva, cookies ‘n dreamz, mint karaoke cookie, most orange-inal, one split wonder, and triple talent.1

i only saw the cheesecake diva, cookies n’ dreamz, and triple talent at the store, though. i tried the cookies ‘n dreamz, it’s basically like cookies and cream with chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream. the cheesecake diva is cheesecake ice cream with chocolate and caramel swirls. not as sweet as it sounds, but good. i haven’t tried the triple threat yet, but it’s just three different types of chocolate so i’m sure it can’t go wrong.

i have a lot of ice cream in the freezer again2 i wonder how long it’ll take this time to finish it all off. it might be time to have an ice cream party…

  1. the web site doesn’t actually list triple talent as an american idol flavor, so i don’t know if that just means that some flavors aren’t available in some markets or what, but the orange-inal flavor sounds yummy. []
  2. it’s probably worth noting that i usually have a lot of ice cream again, so maybe i should take a picture of my freezer when there isn’t a lot of ice cream in it, as that would be the anomaly. []

3 thoughts on “american idol ice cream”

  1. Mint karoke cookie wasssssssssssssssss bomb it was like mint chocolate chip meets cookies and creeammmmmmm my two fav. ice creams!

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