so circuit city is filing for bankruptcy. this is not a sign of good times. part of this means that they will have to shut down some of their stores around the country. one such store is the east palo alto location. everything in the store must go. a lot of the everything must go stuff has already gone, but there are a couple of things here and there worth looking at. it looks like a lot of the tvs and stereo systems are still on sale there.
i picked up a cordless phone system. it’s been a while since i bought a cordless phone. i thought the 2.4GHz phones i had was pretty decent, but apparently since then there have been 5.8GHz phones and now this new standard DECT 6.0. You would THINK these phones operate in the 6.0GHz frequency, but you would be wrong. they actually operate in the 1.9GHz range. the reason why it is called DECT 6.0 is purely for marketing reasons. people think bigger numbers are better.
anyway, everything must go at this store and everything is discounted at least 10% upwards to 20%. not a whole lot to get and things are being discounted off at retail prices so don’t expect huge savings once you consider tax, you’re really only getting a little bit off, but hey, a little is better than nothing and might be competitive with online prices. the phone i got was cheaper even with tax than any place i could find online.