whenever i go to order something somewhere and they ask for a name, i try to come up with anything interesting. at jamba juice, i’ve called myself many things like william, bob, joshua, and other such things.
the other day at starbucks while i was ordering my CHANTICO (the greatest beverage of all time, perhaps rivaling the joy that is pearl tea) they asked for my name and i think i told them that my name was josiah. i’m sure [url=http://www.aiyah.net]winnie[/url] will get a kick out of how they spelled my name. JOE SYA. I guess looking at me, i look more like a joe sya than a josiah…though i don’t think that sya is pronounced “sigh-ah” anyway, but hey, some thought WAS put into it…
the chantico is just like a REALLY, REALLY rich hot cup of chocolate.
how funny that i wrote about the chantico TODAY as well. i, however, detest the drink, but then i really don’t share the sweet tooth with 90% of the world. nothing beats a green milk tea, baby!