it’s been all about clothes lately

i am what people in the “biz” call fashion-retarded. i’m completely not into trendy clothes. i’m not even into fashionable clothes. the one fashionable moment i think i had in my life was back in third or fourth grade. i was wearing cargo pants WAY BEFORE anyone else was. do you see all the cargo pants now? man, i was like 18 years ahead of the industry.

so whenever it comes to having to dress up nicely, i am a little fashion-challenged. it’s weird because my sister is a total fashion expert. like, omigawd, totally! no, i kid, she’s not an airhead. but she is fashionable and i’ve always wondered why i couldn’t have shared in some of those genes of hers.

there was a phase in my college years that i really liked plaid. i don’t know why but everything that i wore was plaid. sometimes i see pictures from that phase of my life and i cringe…not that i know any better now. speaking of which my mom bought me a plaid jacket for xmas. it’s quite tacky, but it’s warm so i wear it from time to time.

but i actually am in need of shopping for new clothes soon. nothing outrageous, just need to spruce up the selection a bit. and then i run into the same problem that i run into whenever i have this thought. i have no idea what kind of clothes to buy. if left to myself (which i have been for a while now) i inevitably buy solid t-shirts and shorts. it is a little alarming how many t-shirts i have. what’s probably more alarming is that i will go to the mall, look at clothes, and come back with more t-shirts even if i tell myself that i don’t want to buy t-shirts.


so i’ve been thinking, maybe what i need to do is employ the aid of some female assistance. the problem is that i have a hard time trusting a lot of people with clothes choices for me, so finding someone who i can trust may be a difficult task in and of itself. we shall see.

wet morning

when i got into work this morning i saw my desk had been completely cleared. i was looking around and saw that everything had been moved and i thought that this was some kind of joke. as i got closer to my desk i saw that it was wet.

apparently the roof directly over my desk had sprung a leak and it was wet everywhere. my keyboard, mouse, and phone were drenched. looks like i will be without a phone for a while. darn.

helping out a good cause

last night someone from my volleyball league came and handed out a flyer about this fundraiser for a school. all you had to do was have pizza at pizz’a chicago and 20% of the proceeds for that evening would go back to the school. i thought that this was a great way to give something back to the community and recruited some friends to come and eat some good pizza.

in all, we had 14 people show up for dinner. i think our meal contributed something like $30 to the school. heh, not much when i think about it, but i guess every little bit helps.

i think it’s wonderful that places like pizza chicago are willing to help our their community with programs like this. it was a total bonus that we got great pizza and were able to help out a good cause.

people asked me how i met the girl at volleyball. i am a little embarrased to say that this was angel girl whose real name is not angel. 😛

lensbaby fun


i STILL haven’t had a chance to take too many pictures with the lensbaby. i’ll eventually do it. here’s one though that i took on my way to lunch today. it looks like learning how to use it will be quite the challenge.