JACL GrassSet tournament

today was the JACL GrassSet tournament that jen and i organized. i think the tournament went quite well, so i’m pretty happy about that. there are some loose ends to finish off, but aside from that, it seems to all be good.

it was a lot of work to put the teams together, i was really surprised at how much was involved, but the day of the tournament went by pretty smoothly, so i’m pretty happy that it all went well.

my team did pretty well, several people were giving us a hard time about sandbagging and if you look at our record, it might seem like that, but i think that we were in the right pool. i had a lot of fun with the team. we won our pool and got some shirts. i think that everyone had fun, i was really worried about some of the teams that were playing but i think it all worked out.

One thought on “JACL GrassSet tournament”

  1. hmm…your the tourney organizer AND your team wins?! i dunno…something’s just not quite right about that. :p

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